Posted 14 years ago
(349 items)
Now for something completely different from camera collecting; an original signed John Gilroy painting on canvas study to create and advertising poster.
Gilroy is the most famous of all Guinness artists and the painting was made when he was employed as an in-house artist with the S H Benson Ltd advertising agency.
What's marvelous is the study includes dabs of paint at the edges to check the color pallet, pencil markings showing how the poster would be finished, and revision comments from reviews.
We ended up acquiring three original Guinness paintings (studies) and the mailing tube complete with paper address label. The acquisition was perfect because I'm a long time Guinness Stout fan!
Wow pretty cool. Nice to learn what you have posted about John Gilroy,
Caught my eye cause my Dad loves Guinness and my mother has a big ol collection of toucan's.(Toucans?yeah! I have no idea.)
Great poster Would you happen know it's age? Nice find
Agreed this is pretty cool ... thanks ... I'm now researching to learn if a poster based on the painting was ever produced. As far as age, it's probably c.1956 based on another Guinness painting with the original S.H. Benson label.
Thanks, mustangtony!
Thanks, miKKo!
Thanks, geo26e!
Thanks, aghcollect!
Thanks, Nicefice!
Thanks, oldpeep!