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My Ancient Brooch

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Peterdrury's loves143 of 292Swiss madeAutograph Booklet, Circa 1901
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (24 items)

    I love this brooch. It measure 2.5 inches long and 1 5/8th inch wide at its widest. It is not marked. I have tested it for gold. Its not. I think its brass or tin metal? Has 9 turquoise stones inlayed and the face is turquoise I think too? Nicely made filagree type design on the backing with the old fashioned pin. I haven't cleaned it and don't want to really. Nicely painted red, green & blue wings down the front. Could it be southwest native? Would love to know more about it if you have any suggestions on where I may get it looked at for verification.
    Thanks for looking. Blingiton1948..

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    1. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      My guess, and it is a guess, that this was designed during the original King Tut craze (and resulting craze for all things Egyptian, Pharoah, Sheik, etc) of the late '20s, early '30s. It's an awesome piece, sorry I don't have any specific information. Maybe this can help narrow things down just a bit.
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      I agree with the others. King Tut discovery timeframe. Seriously pretty.
    3. vintagelove, 13 years ago
      Unique layered/applied design on this piece, the construction is beautiful! Egyptian motifs were popular during the Art Nouveau period, as well, just around the turn of the last century. The molded glass Sphinx with painted accents is incredible and the orientation of the crescent shaped green cabochon above her head is so great. Nice size too.
      Thank you for sharing!
    4. Perfumer Perfumer, 13 years ago
      Oh, I would say definitely vintage CZECH - egyptian motif - LOVE it! does it have a simple C clasp on the back? Often times there might be a small "button" that says czecho, or it may be stamped into the piece?
    5. Perfumer Perfumer, 13 years ago
      oh, and sorry, not an expert - but love czech glass etc. and just believe that is what this is; from the 20s or 30s and I see it does have the c clasp!!! Awesome!
    6. clementine4, 13 years ago
      What a find! This is definitely a Max Neiger Egyptian revival Czech brooch. This exact pin recently sold on eBay for $865.00. The Neiger brothers studios were in Gablonz, Czechoslavakia and they were eventually exterminated by the Nazi regime. Max Neiger's work is relatively rare and highly coveted by collector's. Here's the link to the recent eBay auction :
    7. clementine4, 13 years ago
      Forgot to add that you can get a free verification here:

      Several of the dealers there are experts on Neiger.
    8. MsDowAntiques MsDowAntiques, 13 years ago
      Kudos to clementine4 for solving the mystery of who actually made this gorgeous brooch. Here's a link to an article about the Neiger Brothers jewelers --
    9. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Stillwater...A few days ago you were complaining about the freeloaders.Now you are trying to cash in on one.How quickly things change !!
    10. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Yup, I finally found one that was good for something LOL!
    11. blingiton1948 blingiton1948, 13 years ago
      To everyone who commented on my brooch a HUGE THANKYOU..I learned so excited to see one just like it on Ebay thank you Perfumer..but it is not for sale yet> Stillwater??
      I just love it..will hang on to it for my grandkids to cash in maybe..I really appreciate your comments. I just wish I was so knowledgable?..regards Blingiton1948..I have others I shall submit for your expertise..ttyl..
    12. sarahoff sarahoff, 12 years ago
      Just beautiful blingiton, where did you find it?
    13. lupear, 12 years ago
      I have just recently discovered this wonderful world of Max Neiger jewelry. Kudos on this wonderful find. I am looking for one just like this and I hope someday to do so...It is so sad to me that much of this work has been lost to the world or in someones jewelry box not valued and just considered junk.
    14. pennydime pennydime, 12 years ago
      If I am not wrong 30 years ago in suez canal some vendor look like they are selling that kind of piece But Not sure exaclty If it is the SAME as yours.
    15. blingiton1948 blingiton1948, 12 years ago
    16. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      This is really very nice it is something I think I could wear.
    17. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Yeah its really valuable...
    18. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Max Neiger brooches are in the mid to high hundreds
    19. blingiton1948 blingiton1948, 12 years ago
      Thank you all for looking at my unique Egyptian Pin..I too love it. I wish I could remember where I got it? Probably one of my grandmothers, which neither of them travelled much? Hard to say. If ONLY it could speak to me eh?..thanks again to all of you. I love this site!! blingiton1948
    20. watchnut, 10 years ago
      Great looking piece,I've been looking but haven't found yet, get.
    21. Phebey Phebey, 8 years ago
      Hallo. It's a lovely brooch. My gran had one the same. (She's english and never travelled abroad). I suspect it is as the others mostly said, from the opening of the tomb era (1923?). I understood that they were fairly inexpensive to buy at the time, and i believe the stones and face were either painted plastic or bakelite. (My gran's was anyway). I think the back was one used for many similar brooch fronts. My mam gave mine away! grrrr

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