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Nestor Johnson Card Shuffler

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (373 items)

    Nestor Johnson Mfg Co. Chicago. I have learned it is from 1951. I believe the dial is porcelain. Stamped with the manufacturer's logo. Patent pending. What's it worth? Thanks for lookin!

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    1. Lee Sayer, 14 years ago
      Viking : I have no idea on the value but the date sounds about right,we were going through the Canasta years.Thanks for posting your card shuffler.
    2. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      Viking, U have some Cool stuff Bro. Hmmmm, maybe Vagas needs one of these in their Museum! LOL.... Wait, do they even have a Museum?
    3. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      Thanks. Haha...they have everything else, I'm sure they do..
    4. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Viking, Your card shuffler was invented by Rudolph Notz patent #2,706,117. He filed for the patent on Aug 3, 1950, but wasn't issued until April 12, 1955. The patent was assigned to Nester Johnson Mfg Co of Chicago,IL. The shuffler could take from one deck of card up to three.
    5. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      thanks man.
    6. Martha, 14 years ago
      I just found the same one and would like to know the value also.
    7. Mildred Duelberg, 14 years ago
      How many decks does a Johnson card shuffler shuffle? I am looking for a good used mechanical card suffler for some elderly ladies who are relearning canasta. They have purchased a couple of battery powered shufflers and have found them to be unsatisfactory. At one time I had a crank shuffler. I am hunting something for them. They want something that will shuffle two decks. I am just trying to find one for them. Please give me some idea of the cost and if you think women in their late 70's or 80's could operate a mechanical. Is there such a thing as a plug-in shuffler? I have been all over the net and need some help. I hope that you do not mind my asking you. Mildred
    8. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      Go to ebay and put in Card shuffler, they have many to choose from
    9. Barbara Shannon, 14 years ago
      Is your Johnson card shuffler for sale? Hiow much?
    10. toni, 14 years ago
      I bought the johnson card shuffler but cannot get it to shuffle properly. the rubber rollers seem to have shrunk with age. Do anyone have suggestions for fixing the problem?
    11. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      No idea, I don't even use it, just for display.
    12. Nancy, 13 years ago
      My aunt who is in her 70's and has one of the Nestor Johnson card shufflers from the 1950's, said use a fine nail file and file the rubber rollers, then the card shuffler will shuffle the cards.
    13. AlysLynn, 7 years ago
      Hey, Nancy! Thanks so much! I was looking for how to repair my mom's Johnson Card Shuffler that seems to have the same problem as Toni's - the rubber rollers weren't moving the cards anymore. After using a nail file lightly on the rollers, it works fine. Now if only it would not flip over a couple of cards each pass that would be swell.

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