Posted 13 years ago
(13 items)
Looking for some clue's. Seems to have a lot of detail for it to be a trinket. 22 grams. Had a loop for chain or something. Can anyone identify the writings or symbols. I recognize the zodiak signs but the rest I'm not sure about.
the center portion around the face looks mexican/mayan to me. Does the middle portion spin? to align with the outer zodiac ring like a calendar or something? I feel like you're about to uncover some indian jones portal to the past! :)
Very interesting! Looks to me like it was worn as a Necklace. The top looks to have had a loop at some time for the chain that was used.
Looks almost Aztec.
Astrology related. The portrait looks ancient mid eastern or India
Thank you ROBinHawaii, Hunter, musikshoo and Militarist for the clues and comments. It does look like the center might have rotated at one time. The center is made seperately from the rest and may be two halves put together. I've tried getting it to move but it won't budge. Don't want to damage it. The research continues.
Tetragammaton refers to the four letters of the Hebrew alphabet: YHWH.
This is called a theonym.
Its used instead of saying blasphemously the name of God.
Instead a Jew would say 'Master' - Adonai in prayer and otherwise "the Name" -HaShem.
We probably knoe it better as Yahweh, Jehova! Labe and lao.
You have also on the medallion what is called a Tetragrammaton Pentagram.
19th century occultist Eliphas Levi constructed this pentagram. It is commonly interpreted as a symbol of mankind, as many pentagrams are. However, it is a symbol of many things that unite in the existence of mankind, as is evidence by the variety of additional symbols involved.
Union of Opposites
There are several symbols representing the union of opposites, including:
The conjoined symbols of Venus and Mercury in the center of the image
The sun and moon symbols to the right and left of the Venus/Mercury symbol
The alpha and omega symbols above and below the Venus/Mercury symbol
The caduceus, which is below the Venus/Mercury symbol and partially within the omega
The Elements
The four physical elements are represented here by a cup, wand, sword, and disk. These associations were common in 19th century occultism both through tarot cards (which use such symbols as suits) and ritual tools.
The eyes at the top might represent spirit. While all elements were commonly assigned a point on the pentagram, the position of spirit was of particular significance. Levi himself believed point-up pentagrams (such as this one) to be good, with spirit ruling over matter.
Alternatively, it's been suggested that the absence of a symbol in the upper left (with the first syllable of Tetragrammaton) might represent spirit.
Astrological Signs
The idea of macrocosm and microcosm is that mankind, the microcosm, is a miniature reflection of the universe, the macrocosm. Thus, all of the elements can be found within mankind, and so can influences of the astrological planets. Each here is represented by astrological symbol:
Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in the center, as already described.
Mars on the upper left point
Venus (again) on the upper right point
Saturn on both lower points
Jupiter on the upper point
The Tetragrammaton
The Tetragrammaton is normally a four letter name of God written in Hebrew.
Read more: The Tetragrammaton Symbol
The Hebrew Letters
The Hebrew letters are difficult to read and have led to some confusion. They possibly create two pairs: Adam/Eve and (more questionable) Shining/Hiding.
The other side is Part of the Aztec calendar. It's called the Nahui Ollin Aztec Symbol.
Fifth Age - our times.
Our age (Nahui-Ollin), the fifth age, or fifth creation, escaped destruction due to the sacrifice of Nanahuatl (the smallest and humblest of the gods) who transformed himself into the Sun by leaping into a fire. Another god, known as Tecuciztecatl, originally boasted that he would become the sun but was fearful of the pain. Humiliated by Nanahuatl's sacrifice he too leapt into the fire and became the moon. This myth is associated with the ancient city of Teotihuacan, which was abandoned but still extant when the Aztec arrived.
"The horizontal line - crossing the X - are two paws of a tiger crushing two human hearts. Those paws are a Masonic symbol called the Strong Grip of the Master Mason or the Lion's Paw. The X is formed by the four suns: the sun of fire, the sun of air, the sun of water and the sun of earth,. This is the famous Nahui-Ollin, or the rune Ollin Tonatiuh, the fifth sun with its triangular tongue that describes the four movements of the sun, the four elements in movement by means of Dagaz (transmutation), and Gibur (the cross), the swastika in order to acquire such a power inside of our heart."
The medalion is a piece of "Wicca".
"Wicca is a modern pagan religion that draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan religious motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice. The religion usually incorporates the practice of witchcraft. Developed in England in the first half of the 20th century,mWicca was later popularised in the 1950s and early 1960s by Gerald Gardner. Gardner was a retired British civil servant, and an amateur anthropologist and historian who had a broad familiarity with pagan religions, esoteric societies and occultism in general. At the time Gardner called it the "witch cult" and "witchcraft", and referred to its adherents as "the Wica". From the 1960s onward, the name of the religion was normalised to "Wicca".
It draws on a variety of
thank you vetraio50. That is an amazing amount of information. Now I'm not sure if I want this thing around. LOL
I know what you mean! But I have learnt a lot by researching it. Thanks for sharing it. Mojo!