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please help me figure out this vintage singer!

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Singer Sewing Machines577 of 719Part #3 Standard "Sewhandy" - the precursor to the Singer "Featherweight"Missing link in friction motor...what is it?
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    my friend found this machine and gave it to me and i have never had so much trouble with a machine before! the serial number is C3156460 i know it was made in germany. i want know if some one knows the model and if this is repairable? i also would like to know where i can/ if i can find a foot peddle for this thing? and where is the power button? please help me
    my email is
    heather loop

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    1. hloop132, 13 years ago
      so its a singer 66? right? and where can i buy a new belt and foot pedal for this lovely machine?
    2. Kathycat Kathycat, 13 years ago
      Sorry I don't know anything about it, but It's prettier than any sewing machine that I ever used.
    3. DobbinDee70, 13 years ago
      Heather : You can order the parts you need off the internet . There are several sites that sell what you are looking for .
    4. DobbinDee70, 13 years ago
      One of the sites that I have dealt with is called " Sew - Classic LLC ". They are very helpful .
    5. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      The C serial number and the badge show you that the machine was made at Singer's Wittenburge plant in Germany. There are no dating records for this factory. The machine appears to be a model 201, which superceded the 66, they were made from about 1939. Here is a link to a manual
      The round hole in front of the base is for a knee control bar. This type doesn't have a foot pedal or a power button :) There is usually a bracket for the knee bar up inside the dome cover - you may be lucky and find it there. Otherwise look for the knee controller on ebay or other online places.
    6. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      A clue to the approximate age will be the design of the faceplate and rear inspection cover - the faceplate is the silver-coloured cover over the needlebar end, the rear inspection cover is the round hole on the back. The earlier type had a decorative celtic pattern, the later type had a ridged/ribbed design, although it's not possible to say when they changed over. The 201 from UK changed to a different shape in the early 1950's, a more angular body, with a plain faceplate with a small black 'edge' one one side.
    7. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago the Wittenberge factory closed sometime between 1943 and 1946 - that's a fairly good indicator of timeframe for your machine somewhere between 1939 and 1946.
    8. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Should really say Singer's production ceased, although the factory remained :)
    9. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      BTW you didn't say what the trouble is you're having with the machine - check that the needle is inserted correctly, flat to the left and threaded from right to left. Use a fresh sharp needle, a dull one will skip stitches. Double check your upper and lower threading. Not much can go wrong with these machines.
    10. hloop132, 12 years ago
      i dont know how to use the thing. i know it needs a new belt but other than that im not really sure. im going to youtube it and i was also wondering what these machine sell for?
    11. hloop132, 12 years ago
      and there is no foot peddle and i need to know where to get one and where it gets hooked up?
    12. DobbinDee70, 12 years ago
      Heather : Bernadette already told you that this machine does not take a foot peddle . It takes a knee control bar that goes into the hole on the front of the case . All you have to do is an internet search to find the parts you need . There are groups that help people with their vintage machines . One is called " Vintage Singer " Another one is " wefixit " shade tree machanics . These are free to join and they can tell you all about your machine and where to find the parts you need for it . You may be able to find a manual for it at " Relics " or " Mastersewusa " or there may even be a free download manual on the internet . Someone at the Vintage Singer site may know if there is a free download manual . Or I can look after I post this to see if I can find one . As for the value of your machine it is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it . If you would like some idea of price check out E-Bay . Value has everything to do with condition . Yours appears to have a missing stitch length lever .
    13. DobbinDee70, 12 years ago
      Heather : I did find a free download of the manual for this machine at the site address Bernadette gave you up above in her first post at " " . When you get there type 201 in the box . Then you will see a list of manuals . Click on the one that says 201 English and over to the right it will say free download . It takes a little while for it to load but when it does all you have to do is print it off .
    14. DobbinDee70, 12 years ago
      Bernadette : I do not think this machine is a 201 although the manual for a 201 will work for this machine . A 201 has a potted motor , this one does not . Just thought I would let you know .
    15. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      The 201-2 is the only model that has the potted motor (along with the 15-91 and the sort of similar 101). The 201 came out as a treadle, hand and electric, including the one as above. The 201-2 is more common in the USA than Europe and Australia.
      here's a photo of a potted motor for those not sure what we're talking about. Perhaps DobbinDee70 you'd like to look here,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1304&bih=682&wrapid=tlif134722563480010&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=JghNUNCQKcasiAfT0YCoAQ#um=1&hl=en&newwindow=1&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=201K+singer+sewing+machine&oq=201K+singer+sewing+machine&gs_l=img.12..0i24l3.265061.265061.2.267529.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=eec7e115112ee11c&biw=1304&bih=682
    16. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      I think the stitch length lever is there, it's just hard to see in the first photo - it's pushed right up to the reverse position.
    17. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      <i know it needs a new belt but other than that im not really sure> if the belt is worn or broken, you should be able to get a new one from a Singer supplier or reputable online dealer. Without the knee controller this machine isn't going to operate. The knee bar from a 66 or 15 would be ok, providing it has the right tip fitting. Check your local thrift stores, etc. you may find one.
    18. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      I have had 3 or 4 of these given to me over time, they can be picked up for $20 at garage sales. Really as DobbinDee has said they are worth what someone is willing to pay and "condtion, condition, condition".
    19. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      There is a kneebar on eBay right now, but it's $39.99. It would be worth asking at your local Singer supplier if they could get you one?
    20. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      OMG that seller is evil - selling the knee controller separately to the machine, which is also for sale for $20.
    21. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      192978 is the part number for the larger knee bar to suit 15/66/210
    22. DobbinDee70, 12 years ago
      The machine appears to be a model 201, which superceded the 66, they were made from about 1939.
      Bernadette : I do not see how a Singer model 201 made around 1939 could superced the 66 as I have a model 66-1 that was made in 1921 .
    23. hloop132, 12 years ago
      OMG!!!!! I GOT IT! I FIGURED IT OUT! Y'ALL HAVE BEEN SOOOOOO MUCH HELP! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! all i need to do is get a new belt and im good! you RULE! and the motor purrs like a kitten!
    24. hloop132, 12 years ago
      do i need a timing or a motor belt and i seem to be having trouble finding a belt for the 201, can i use a belt for the 201-1, 201-2, 201-3, or 201-4?
    25. DobbinDee70, 12 years ago
      Heather : You need a motor belt . Any of the belts you listed should be usable on your machine . The motor mount is adjustable . Make sure that when you do get a belt that it is not to tight or too loose . It should be just tight enough to turn the motor without slipping . To replace the belt loosen the motor mount screw , take off the old belt and replace it with the new one , then tighten the motor mount like I said so that it is not too loose or too tight . The motor mount screw ahould be right below the hand wheel under the motor pully on the end of the machine .
      Glad that the motor purrs like a kitten , but if the machine needs oil it may not purr quite like a kitten when you hook up the belt . Just a heads up . Happy to have been able to help . Let us know if you have any more questions .
    26. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      <I do not see how a Singer model 201 made around 1939 could superced the 66 as I have a model 66-1 that was made in 1921 .> The 66 was advertised by Singer as the 'turn of the century machine'. The 66-1 was made over many years, I have one from 1910 and one from 1919. A true 66-1 has no mounting bolt on the side below the balance wheel.
      The model 201 was introduced, around the start of WW2, to be the new superior rotary machine. Here is an article about the 66 and 201 - Alex Askaroff is a well known collector/writer about sewing machines, although he can be a bit wordy and airy-fairy :)

    27. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      Heather, what did you work out for a controller for your machine?
    28. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      DobbinDee - the 66 production didn't stop when the 201 was introduced - they continued to make both models - it was the design of the 201 which 'superceded' the 66.
    29. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      Oh, and before you get excited, the 66-3 was also a rear-attaching feet model, and has the mounting bolt, it was produced as a hand machine. This model can be fitted with a bolt on motor.
    30. hloop132, 12 years ago
      i have the knee bar! i just need to find a belt that will fit the machine, i feel like i might be able to get a standard round 1/4inch belt and it nigh work but im not totally sure
    31. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      So glad you got it :-) happy Sewing

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