Posted 13 years ago
(153 items)
Here is my 1958 Ford 801 Powermaster Diesel Tractor, Show Quality, but I use it around my property when it's needed. I sometimes take it to my area Flywheelers Show (Tractor/Engine/Fleamarket Show). Great little tractor.
officialfuel & eccentric1,
Thank you both for the LOVE(-:)
Thank you very much for the love.
BELLINS68 & cocacoocoo,
Thank you both very kindly for the LOVE(-:)
Thank you for the love.
What attachments do you have? Love it!!
Thank you for the love.
I have Landscape Rake, 3-Point Disc, Scrape Blade, Pallet Forks.
Very nice! I could use a work horse just like that...And the fact that this one's beautifully restored...well that would be just icing on the cake!!! Thank's for sharing!
Your very welcome and hope you find a nice restored tractor for your needs.
Happy to see a fellow farm boy, Thanks for the visit.
Manikin & petey
Thanks you both for the love(-:)
Deanteaks & bratjdd
Thank you both for the love
aren't these funnest little things to own -- loved my 1948 ford -- she was my worker bee on the acreage -- pulled out a lot of cars during the winter time with her during those nebraska blizzards -- what a sweetheart they are
How are the brakes? Mine aren't very good!
Hook up the ole new Holland baler put in a new roll of fodder twine put few cases of beer in the cooler lets go put up around 800 bales of hay YeeHaw NICE tractor btw