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Cisum's loves1872 of 6185Early 1960s Armstrong Shock Absorber Cutaway1948 Rayline License Plate Frame Advertisement
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (153 items)

    Here is my 1958 Ford 801 Powermaster Diesel Tractor, Show Quality, but I use it around my property when it's needed. I sometimes take it to my area Flywheelers Show (Tractor/Engine/Fleamarket Show). Great little tractor.

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    1. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      officialfuel & eccentric1,
      Thank you both for the LOVE(-:)
    2. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      Thank you very much for the love.
    3. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      BELLINS68 & cocacoocoo,
      Thank you both very kindly for the LOVE(-:)
    4. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
    5. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the love.
    6. toolate2 toolate2, 13 years ago
      What attachments do you have? Love it!!
    7. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the love.
      I have Landscape Rake, 3-Point Disc, Scrape Blade, Pallet Forks.
    8. toolate2 toolate2, 13 years ago
      Very nice! I could use a work horse just like that...And the fact that this one's beautifully restored...well that would be just icing on the cake!!! Thank's for sharing!
    9. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      Your very welcome and hope you find a nice restored tractor for your needs.
    10. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      Happy to see a fellow farm boy, Thanks for the visit.
    11. collector4evr collector4evr, 13 years ago
      Manikin & petey
      Thanks you both for the love(-:)
    12. collector4evr collector4evr, 12 years ago
      Deanteaks & bratjdd
      Thank you both for the love
    13. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      aren't these funnest little things to own -- loved my 1948 ford -- she was my worker bee on the acreage -- pulled out a lot of cars during the winter time with her during those nebraska blizzards -- what a sweetheart they are
    14. Bobbyleebobo864, 9 years ago
      How are the brakes? Mine aren't very good!
    15. swampdogg swampdogg, 8 years ago
      Hook up the ole new Holland baler put in a new roll of fodder twine put few cases of beer in the cooler lets go put up around 800 bales of hay YeeHaw NICE tractor btw

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