Posted 14 years ago
(321 items)
In 1965 After I had worked a year for the telephone co my wife decided that she would buy me a old telephone as a christmas gift. It was a 1896 L.M.Ericcson wall phone. I did a small restoral on that phone and I thought this is fun, I should buy another phone. 200+ phones later and I am running out of room. Some of the phones were basket cases or barn fresh, thanks to the Antique Telephone Collectors Association I have located many original parts for these telephones.
WOW! Now that is a phone collection!
What an incredible collection!!!!!!!!!
I am in awe at this collection.
I am totally amazed! beautiful displays!!!
It always starts with just one, glad you kept it up, fantastic.
walksoftly, yep it start's with one and you gotta have another and another.
Reed, I don't think Qwest Communications could put enought ringing power to ring all two hundred phones. I do have selected phones to ring. thanks for the comment.
VERY cool collection.
That is an awesome collection, love it!
As a kid in Maine, we had one crank phone in the front hall closet. Our number was Yarmouth, 373 ring 3. The operator had a switch board in her living room.
If she didn't answer on the first crank, we would spin it several times and she would give us hell. She knew everyone in town and their business. It was a big day when the phone company gave us dial phones. I do love your collection, it brings back memories.
wow! i hope they don't all ring at once! my great uncle turned my great grandparent's place into a toy castle and their old wall phone was painted like santa's face and we could call the 'north pole' on it and put in our orders for santa. of course my uncle conrad would always answer and he'd yell at us that we had too many toys already.
can you tell us what the rare and valuable ones might be? just curious...
Thank you ho2cultcha, second photo far left middle. That is a Davis & Watts speaking tube set manufactured for the American Bell Telephone Co. 1882, the next phone to it is also a Davis & Watts blake set with the last patent date of 1879.
Hey Tom, love your "Candlesticks" the most of all of them. Just an incredible assortment my friend!
Thank You Signaholic, I never know where the next candlestick will come from!!!
I hope they don't all ring at once but, I love them all wow what a collection you have amassed that's dedication. Michelle
Wow, now I am using your photos of your collection as a reference guide. Today while checking out my local antique mall I found a phone similar to several you show in your second photo. It is marked BLAKE TRANSMITTER - 750476 - EDISON CARBON PHONE on the front of the center box or mouthpiece. On the side it is PATENTED AUG 2 1881, DEC 6 1881, AUG 14 1886, NOV 17 1991. Unfortunatly it is missing the top bell box. Is this a very hard piece to find a replacement for? The lower box is present, as is the back. Everything seems to be in the transmetter except the key. Thanks for shaing your collection.
Thank you rocker-sd see my post on your blake set
Thank you egreeley1976
Thank you valentino97
Thank you petey
Thank you artislove
how much spare time do you have:-)
nldionne, I'm retired now, so lots of spare time to work on telephones.
Thank you Poop for your love
Thank you sugargirl
Thank you nldionne
Thank you michellerduBois for your nice comment
Thank you LaneyTex1
Thank you schallerpen
Thank you kygurl32
Thank you crswerner
Thank you jameyrd
Thank you thisoldwatch
thank you bellaluna
Thank you Spiperato
Thank you leighannrn
Thank you Royce39
Thank you for your love geo26e
Thank you for your love aghcollect
Wow!!!!! How awesome. Those wall colors really make that natural wood stand out. Fantastic collection ttomtucker
Thank you for your comment Airmathena
Farmlady Thank you for your love
Thank you Signaholic
I have a ridiculous collection of eagles, and knives. It's a sickness lol. I do have one antique phone, and it's on our wall, and love it. I can see how the collectors curiosity and hunt with phones can easily occur. Awesome collection
Thank you JMNY for your nice comment
Oh my that is a collection. Each and every one deserves a love. So much there I don't quite know what to say. A fantastic collection.
Thank you fortapache for your nice comment
mackay1st thank you for your love
very nice ...and well done ,,,
Thank you Roycroftbooksfromme1
Thank you Loveitvintage for your love
Thanks you Uxbridgeite for your love.
What a fantastic collection you have Tom. You could open a museum!
Thank you Vintagefran for your love and comment.
Thank you for your love Golden_ Fleece
Kydur, Thank you for your love
Thank you for the love PatSea
Thank you for your love Uxbridgeite
Nicefice, thank you for your love
Thank you Antique Toys
Thank you AzTom
Thank you AnnaB
Thank you Tanni
Thank you Beachbum58
Thank you usedcarlady
Thank you Nordicman32
Thank you Manikin
YOWZA!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC collection!
I'm about to post manuals for Automatic Electric MonoPhones, & Anaconda telephone wires! Repair manuals, schematics and a whole bunch of stuff from a technician!
Thank you Celiene
Thank you SpritBear
Thank you for your love Nicefice
Wow. Great Phone Collection.
Thank you fopr the love Buckethead
I have to fall inline with the rest and simple say "Great collection..".
Thank you for you nice comment Recordmantime
Thank you jackart
Thank you antiquerose
Thank you SpiritBear
Thank you snowman3
Incredible !!!
Thank you martika
Thank you Jamim
Thank you MountainGirl
Amazing assembly!
Thank you beyemvey for your comment
Thank you CindB
Thank you advertisingfan
Thank you biqoucaillouvintage for you love
Impressive. Congratulations.
Absolutely Amazing.
Thank you mcheconi
Thank you Wandlessfairy
You should open up a museum Tom
Amazing collection :)
Thank you McCoyNelson that has been my goal to have a museum
Thank you Trey
Your welcome :)
Thank you MacDaddyRico for your comment
Had to love it again :)
What an amazing collection!
Thank you Coopergirl
Thank you again Trey
Your welcome:)
Thank you purvis
Amazing collection!
What a great collection! My grandfather worked at the phone company too, starting out as a lineman. He was given a small gold medallion after 10, 20 and 30 years of work. "Western Electric", his initials and a date are engraved on the back. The first one is from 1918. They all have a tiny phone, an eagle and a map of the USA. Very detailed. They have been made into a necklace for a woman with a skinny neck. I've often wondered if it has any value.
very very nice collection of vintage phones thank you for showing.
Most service pins from Western Electric and Bell System have value. the 30 year pin and up are hard to come by. The highest service pin I have seen is a 45 year.
Thank you Swampdogg for your very nice comment
Thank you lata for the love
Thank you for the love Nicefice
Great collection, and display!! Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you Iptools for the nice comment & love
Thank you Thedecoguy for your love
Thank you trey for your love
@ttomtucker that collection is amazing! We recently found an old phone at an antique/flea market and we are trying to figure out any info about it. People are saying it's a replica but it really isn't. Is there any way you could help identify it?
Imagine them all ringing at the same time !
Golgattha, Would be loud, thanks for viewing
Thank you RichmondLori for your love
Hands down, the best collection of vintage telephones that I have ever seen. I have visited several telephone museums, but this collection even tops those. The museum in Roseville, California was pretty good because they had a huge collection of telephone poles, insulators, switchboards, as well as a working crossbar switch open for demonstration. Yet, they did not have this many beautiful telephones!