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    Posted 12 years ago

    (199 items)

    I inherited this fine little piece from my best friend who went thru open-heard surgery in Martinique 1 1/2 wks before me. When I had recovered enough to drive to his house, I found out his funeral was going on right then & I didn't make it there.
    It is a Browning .380 but had gotten caught in a cat. 5 hurricane in '95 & the salt got the slide a bit before we rescued it. There was too much else going on at the time. Inside is like new & works fine. The salt seemed to only pit the outside of the slide but the frame is alloy. This is now one of my most prized possessions & a shame that a gun is the center of my memories. Would gladly give it back if I could.
    Well, with 13-14 rds available, if you can't defend yourself with that, you shouldn't have a gun!

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      Nice pistol, a little new bluing, it would be good as new. But with the cat-5 history, the mar on the slide, give it character. Condolenses for the loss of your friend.
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Kerry, nobody re-blues on this rock. Actually, I like it the way it is as a reminder. He lost his roof in that one (Luis) & didn't find the pistol for days. I cleaned it every year for him. Actually the pitting is a reminder that we shouldn't forget mother nature either. More than 1,000 boats were lost in that one & more than 800 lives. Sometimes it good to keep a reminder & in this case, the memory of a friend. The gov't wouldn't release the true figures so it was way under-rated. have to protect the tourist trade! Official release was 1 killed on the dutch side & 1 on the Fr. side.
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the condolences also. I work at the airport & he lived just across the street from the entrance. I get a reminder everytime I go to work.
    4. kerry10456 kerry10456, 12 years ago
      I Like it with the "Mar" also, It adds character to the piece, It's survived a cat-5. I seen things that been in cat-3, that didn't survive at all. Thanks for sharing the "History" behind this piece.
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Hey, life goes on. We got another one 4-5 yrs later that just didn't want to go away. #-4 days that one wobbled over us & went thru the "eye wall" about 15 times. You don't want to go thru one!
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Merci Steve. Appreciate the comment.
    7. Alpha1 Alpha1, 12 years ago
      Impressive piece & thanks for yor support on my post.
    8. Vermont, 10 years ago
      John Browning's designs are bulletproof :-) I'm a Sig man myself (p226), but now have a real appreciation for FNH (fnx .45). Browning had a great influence on so many firearm manufacturers. I think Sig Sauer paid a great homage to him with there version of the 1911 as did FNH.
    9. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Vermont, I want a pistol with an exposed hammer that shows in my peripheral vision so I don't have to take my eye away from a threat. Pistols that are hammerless, you have to lose eye contact or feel with a thumb & that is BS as you are now "open" or not in your best firing stance for firing. (I don't even like them on the range as I consider them more dangerous for the trained & untrained). A friend with Duane showed me how his Sig double action would not cock & fire if you pulled at the top of the trigger (his natural pull) & when I tried it, he was right! A nano-sec can cost U your life. This small Browning doesn't do that & my favourite still, is the Hi-Power. I packed 1 for yrs & it never jammed once over thousands of rounds. Single action for 1st shot, but when that "moment" happens, you should just have to flip the safety off or have already had the hammer back instinctively. I may be old fashioned, but want what is reliable without "whistles & bells". The more they add just means the more that can F-up.
      Guess I kind of got carried away! Can buy a Hi-power from a friend right now but this little ,380 was an inheritance from my best friend when he died 4 yrs ago & I can't bring myself to part with it & don't need 2 guns for my "Homeland Security". Tempting though!
    10. Vermont, 10 years ago
      You are need to apologize! We all have what works for us and I can appreciate and understand your views. I absolutely love the da/sa on my sig sauer 226. I used to have a couple striker fired side arms, but those were traded as soon as I held my buddy's sig. Anyway, we can definitely agree John Browning was the man and I'll definitely say a prayer for your friend....what was his name?
    11. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Valeau "Val". I just think things are wandering away from the basic & reliable. More added, the more problems. The Colt .45 acp was a Browning design as well as the Hi-power. I've reloaded 9's with loads & right bullets that had more Ft.-lb knock down than a .44 mag.! Had several .45 acps but thought the recoil was too much & wasted time getting back on target and short on mag capacity for many. I'm fairly good & figure if anybody needs 13-15 rds to accomplish the job, they shouldn't have a gun but still nice to know they are there if in a "target enriched zone". I've avoided those for many yrs. My little .380 will do whatever job I might need for "Home Security" here (with the right bullets).
    12. Vermont, 10 years ago
      Val it is....and you do make a very valid point(s)....
    13. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Vermont, learning from other people's mistakes & experience is a virtue. Learning from your own mistakes & ignoring the other, is stupidity.
      As a teenager, I averaged 3 out of 5 clays from a hand thrown trap from a fast-draw holster. Couldn't hit 1 out a hundred with the old Colt in hand & using the sights! It's like an invisible line between the gun & the target from the hip & you know when you feel the sear release if you hit the clay or not. Best I can explain it. Sure wish I could do that today, 50 yrs later! Still not shabby though.

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