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Haddon Original "Home Sweet Home" Granny Clock mid-1950s

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (373 items)

    Has been in my father's family since he was little. It was given to him as an adult because it fascianted him as a child. I have read that the fireplace and window light up and the granny rocks in her chair, I have never seen it work though, needs cord and bulb. The photograph is the couple that gave it to my father, his great aunt and uncle. The photo is from Christmas of 1951.

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    1. Al Clark, 14 years ago
      THese were made around 1956 and they don't have a battery, all electric that I have seen. The motor and pinion have an extra load rocking grandma back and forth so they tend to be worn and/or shot. Parts are available on the internet for most of the high wear items.
    2. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      I meant cord, not battery, never caught that typo lol
    3. Lisa Peters , 14 years ago
      I also own one of those "Home Sweet Home" Granny clocks. Has cord and lights up but can't get Granny to rock in her chair. Willing to sell if interested. I don't own a computer am using Library's. My cell phone # (715) 207-2798. Call anytime during the week or weekend. I'm from Marshfield WI.
    4. Jody Crump, 14 years ago
      I have a very similar clock but the back has been replaced with plastic as the cardboard got bad. My clock looks a bit different though. I wonder if I have an older version or one not my Haddon. This clock has been around our family at least since mid 50's. I belive my clock face is round and NOT square. Any ideas?
    5. Jean, 14 years ago
      I recently bought a clock exactly like this at an antique shop. The clock was not working and we were unsure if Granny would rock, but my husband repaired it. Even the back is identical to the one in the photos above. Granny rocks; her "window" is backlit. It's a lovely quirkey piece. It's good to know the period this clock represents. Thanks.
    6. debbie , 14 years ago
      I also own the original Haddon Home Sweet Home" Granny clock
      and it works. Granny rocks, the light come on.The original back is
      still on. I don't plug it very offten because the courd is so old. Had it
      my hold life. when i was a littel I use to think she was real inside there.
      I love it.

    7. cindyjune cindyjune, 14 years ago
      What a sweet piece and a great story!
    8. darhlene, 14 years ago
      I have a Haddon 'Home Sweet Home' Clock. It belonged to my grandfather. He gave it to his mother when he was 10 years old. He passed away in 2008, he was 86. So, according to calculations it would have been around 1932 when he gave it to his mom. I'm trying to find out more information on this clock. It's still in its original state and still operates well. Any info is appreciated. Thanks.
    9. Linda, 13 years ago
      I also have the Home Sweet Home Clock, it was given to my parents by my grandparents, the clock was in my parents home as long as I remember. I was born in 1951, so the clock is at least 60 years old. It is in good shape the orginal back is on it I am afraid to plug it in because it is so old. Does anyone think the clock is worth anything?
    10. Nancy, 13 years ago
      My mother had this clock when I was a child. It is a 1953 model Haddon Home Sweet Home Mantle Clock. I would love to find one available for sale that still works. My mother died in 2006 and I don't know what happened to the clock.
    11. rosemary aguilera , 13 years ago
      Just found the clock in my garage. My mom gave it to me many years ago she has passed away recently. I would love to restore it does anyone know where i can go to have it restored. Still in good condition but the cord is damage and i'm afraid to mess with it. Can anyone give me more info. on where and if it's worth fixing.
    12. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Sorry VikingFan82, thought I commented and sent you love on this one, but I guess not. These are very nice pieces and yours looks really sweet. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Kerry
    13. jeff , 13 years ago
      Was just doing a search on this clock, friend has a very good condition one and everything works great on it, Even the red light window above granny. Still keeps great time. Be nice to see what they are worth
    14. chetter, 13 years ago
      I have two of these clocks, one in brown the other in white. Fell in love with them at first sight. Going to make greatgifts for my grankids someday.
    15. marcella, 13 years ago
      I have the home sweet home clock. Works perfectly. Never been touched, in perfect condition, lights, cord, grandma rocks. How can I find out what it's worth. I am 68 and it belonged to my grandmother.
    16. smemories65, 12 years ago
      We had a similar clock. There was a fireplace that glowed and looked real. There was a cat that would swish his tail back and forth under the rockers of the chair while the granny rocked, just barely missing getting a very painful experience! I would love to have a working one like it now. I don't know if it was a Haddon clock.
    17. lpweeks, 12 years ago
      Just bought this clock at yard sale for $3.00. My husband started buying clocks at yard sales a year ago. We now have alot of different clocks. Different shapes facolors, designs, but I think this one is my favorite. Hope to have cord repaired so we can plug it up. Still has original back.
    18. Kathycat Kathycat, 12 years ago
      I Love it! Sooooo Pretty!!!!!
    19. Qaproretied, 12 years ago
      I have 10 of these that I have restored to original working order and made safe by updating wiring and components. If you would like information or help, le me know.
    20. Larry48, 12 years ago
      I have one just like the photo, but the gear that engages the rocking mechanism is completely missing. Does anyone know if this was a standard gear used on other clocks and still available, or unique to this clock?
    21. Qaproretied, 12 years ago
      There are 2 tpyes of clock movements used in these clocks. Can you sent a picture of where the parts needed?
    22. marcella, 12 years ago
      would like to know the value of clock in perfect condition.
    23. Bruce99 Bruce99, 12 years ago
      They seem to sell at auction for around $50 plus or minus $20 depending upon condition.

      for a list of recently sold "Haddon" clocks on eBay
    24. Qaproretied, 12 years ago
      Perfect condition, is in the eyes of the owner. I have purchased some of the same, only to find missing parts and unsafe electrical conditions. An original clock if operating now may not last, as the lubricates internal to motor could dry out, causing it to fail. A replacement motor only avialable on some model years sells for $75. A restored complete working clock can sell for as high as $175 to $250. I have seen auctions on ebay "buy now for $500".
    25. marcella, 12 years ago
      No parts are missins. cord is perpect. keeps great time. everything works!!!!
    26. Larry48, 12 years ago
      The center stack of gears turn the clock hands, the stack to the side rocks grandma.

    27. Qaproretied, 12 years ago
      You may have to purchase another Haddon clock to get the parts you need. The rocking granny is not the only one, there is also a ranch style with a rocking horse. If you can get one at a low price! The clock is the same just change the face.
      Good luck
    28. marcella, 12 years ago
    29. Qaproretied, 12 years ago
      The response was directed to Larry48 response.
    30. youngestof4, 10 years ago
      I have an original home sweet home clock as well. My dad brought it home to my mom when I was a very little girl. When the mechanism that rocks granny stopped working my dad removed the electrical parts and replaced the clock with a battery. Sorry to say, neither the fire flickering, nor Granny's rocking are functional. I am the youngest of 4 children so when my parents passed away, we had to draw for who got the clock. I won. It has a prominent place in my home and at Christmas, I decorate around it with snow covered trees and carolers. I'd love to restore it to a working electric clock, if not the actual clock, at least the granny and fire. Any thoughts from anyone about this?
    31. Qaproretied, 10 years ago
      I have restored over 10 of these clocks, and have all the necessary parts to restore them, including any issues with Bakelite case and paint.
    32. pw-collector pw-collector, 10 years ago
      Here is a youtube video showing
    33. pw-collector pw-collector, 10 years ago
      I was interrupted & didn't finish the above response:
      Here is a youtube video showing your clock working and the movement.
    34. Peff382, 9 years ago
      My maternal grandmother "Nanny" had one, as did three of her four children. When Nanny passed, Mom got it. Since I was always Nanny's boy, Mom said when she passes it will be mine. Mom passed on Tuesday May 10, 2016. The clock hadn't worked in 30 years, and we couldn't find it in Mom's house. Preparing for Mom's funeral arrangements yesterday, my sister found the clock in the spare bedroom and gave it to me. Brought it home, plugged it in...and it works!!! Thanks Nanny and Mom! Loved this clock since I was a little boy going to Nanny and PaPa's!
    35. kellyq, 3 years ago
      How do you find the pinion or gear to make granny rock?
    36. Qaproretied, 3 years ago
      I have parts that can help
    37. Wildjunking, 2 years ago
      If you take off the back cover, there should be a mfg date stamped on the inside of the cover. Mine is 1951. A friend has one stamped 1954.

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