Posted 12 years ago
(1003 items)
#534 in "The Pictorial Wonderland Art Tone Series, issued by the Stanley A. Plitz Company of San Francisco, probably in the late 30s or early 40s.
The color toners did a wonderful job in making the colors on this card "look bigger than life"!
These great Southern Pacific Daylights and Starlights ran from LA to SF, and I think in later editions all the way to Seattle.
The second card is #147 of The Manhattan Post Card Publishing Company, Inc. It depicts the original Penn Station, NY in all of its glory! As many of us are aware, this grand edifice was demolished (with myopic vision) in 1966. Madison Square Garden has sat on the since those days, with a soulless new Penn Station beneath it. Some vestiges of the old station are still in use, especially on the train levels and stairs leading to them.
Thanks for your loves!!!!!