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Masonic Lodge Furniture

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (5 items)

    Any thoughts or information regarding the value of the items would be greatly appreciated. I am eclectic in my collecting and have owned these pieces for about two years now. They were once housed in the Rock Island Illinois Masonic Temple, from whence they came. Included are a ceremonial altar, flanked on either side by Corinthian column lamps and a padded leather kneeling pad which rests at the base of the front of the altar. The lamps were unshaded when found. I am uncertain as to whether they were originally appointed with them or not. The milk glass shades shown have been personally added. The altar has a locking, padded leather, top compartment, which presumably once held ritualistic items. When opened it reveals a contraption which appears to elevate up and out, perhaps holding something on display. There is a brass lever near the bottom of the piece which raises and lowers the altar on it's casters. There is a beautifully engraved plaque on the top front of the piece which states, "Presented by R.I. Chapter #269 O.E.S. (Order of the Eastern Star,) July 1, 1913. Next is a book stand / pulpit, with marble top and locking back cabinet with skeleton key. Then we have two, what we call "king" chairs and one simpler "queen" chair. We have one small kneeling pad seen in front of the king chair. We also have yet another column lamp not seen in the photos but the same as the other two. All of the items are comprised of quarter sawn, (tiger oak) and have a beautiful patina. In storage are two wonderfully large tiger oak frames, each matted with oval cut outs for past members photographs. **Thanks for the info Vestaswind**

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    1. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      Wow. I can't even imagine trying to get a price on something so rare. But there are places on line that know everything about Masonic collectables...although this is not exactly a collectable is it? It's amazing.
    2. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      HA try this. George Spielman wrote the Masonic Collectables. I found his lodge. Try writing to these guys, the worst can happen is they don't answer you.
    3. Michael, 14 years ago
      There aren't supposed to be shades on the burning tapers. Look up masonic light bulbs
    4. cis2you cis2you, 14 years ago
      I agree with Michael. I dont believe shades were ever a part of the burning tapers.
    5. joe, 14 years ago
      There is no "collector" or "antique" value of these items. Masons make the furniture nearly identical in all Lodges out of the exact same wood. They do this so that an "aftermarket" doesn't develop. I doubt seriously you paid very much at all for it. While it looks nice, it is not at all unique or collectable. It is nice you "like it." Finally it has long been known that any masonic Lodge Furniture owned outside a Lodge is cursed and brings very bad Luck to the owner, this is documented throughout history. For this reason it is normally given back to another Lodge needing it for shipping costs. Bad Luck, serious business.
    6. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      Is that a T.V. on the altar ? I know it is yours but as a Mason I Must potest........
    7. Antiques-n-OldThings Antiques-n-OldThings, 13 years ago
      Hey Joe,
      I appreciate your comment but respectfully disagree. In regard to Masonic furnishings, other woods are used and although often similar in design, are by no means identical. As for the collectability of lodge items such as these, we have been approached on multiple occasions with inquiries into their acquisition. Two things that you do have correct. Yes, we didn't have to pay much for them as we bought directly from the lodge brothers that owned them and yes, we do love them. A final note, after several years of ownership, no bad luck. I for one am not inclined to be caught up in that sort of foolishness.
    8. Antiques-n-OldThings Antiques-n-OldThings, 13 years ago
      For Pop_Abides,
      No disrespect here. In this home, these items are quite simply, functional furniture.
    9. Middletonsmasonic, 12 years ago
      I would be very proud to have them. Superb Items of lodge furniture. Thank for sharing the pics!
    10. cogito cogito, 12 years ago
      Looks like a perfect video gaming set up to me! I really like the chair with the columns, though!

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