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Mystery Civil War tintype?

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (7 items)

    This is my latest acquisition. I'm not sure just where they are from...there is a 10 on their hats....Militia from New England early in the Civil War.....It is a 6th plate tintype in a patriotic mat with a Union and Constitution case.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Nice image.

      My initial reaction would be post war militia in a patriotic CW era matting.

      A photograph of the entire image out of the case and the image measurments may help to make a determination.

      Thanks for sharing,

    2. janpentz janpentz, 12 years ago
      @ scottvez It's's pre-war or early war. The size is the same as the mat, 2 3/4 x 3 1/4 inches. There is wear on the plate around the mat opening and there is no evidence of trimming. There is a reverse number 10 on the hats and the belt buckles appear to be Massachussets militia buckles.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      The size is right and the mat wear marks are the biggest indicator that it has been cased for a while. Of course cased images continued in popularity into the early 1870s.

      Because of the continued use of similar uniforms into the post- CW years, militia uniforms are always hard to date.

      Thanks again for sharing.

    4. filmnet filmnet, 12 years ago
      Scottvez I think now all you guys should understand about the Salem Ma soldiers from 1670s i think, my wife's Great Great Grand father was in this group, 2nd Company of Cadets, and Salem had Light infantries groups which bought there own uniforms, They dressed up in these hats even today they still do. This group was just given the respect by Obama ow Salem is the home of the original National Guard. These hats on this shot above looks like there's. Problem is only cameras from 1850 forward has shot of these guys, other are drawaing's,They did not get $ from city or Mass state. But they were Governor men, and as he was around city's this guy were this him, look at my shots about them
    5. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Not sure I understand filmnet-- the soldiers in this posting are all wearing Shakos.

      The Zoaves appear to be in kepis. Some of the pictures from the site won't load-- what photo are you specifically talking about?

    6. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Correction "Zouaves"


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