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Geod Crystal

All items238212 of 245528GeodesLogan Pottery Crock
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (120 items)

    Here ya go Chapeldreamer... One of Nature's Beauty's. Found in Michigan along time ago by my Dad. Has small Crystal's inside! I'm a rock hound too....Haaahaa!


    1. Chapeldreamer Chapeldreamer, 14 years ago
      You've done gone and opened a can of worms! I'm uploading 3 of my favorites I found in Indiana.
    2. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      Cool Deal Chapel....Worms!! Hay I can go fishin with them!!!! Haaaaaha...
    3. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      I have a few too.
    4. imander imander, 14 years ago
      looks great, i also have one, its quite large and was collected in Germany, i will add a pic 2morrow.
    5. jsw14 jsw14, 14 years ago
      I'd like to see it, ian....Thanks..
    6. cocacolakid97 cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      Why is this posted in folk art *rubbing invisable goate*
    7. Chapeldreamer Chapeldreamer, 14 years ago
      It's posted there because they don't have a geode or fossil section, duh! And don't even say it's not old. HA HA! Sorry cocacolakid couldn't help but tease you a bit.

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