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Board track racer

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Harley-Davidson Motorcycles100 of 207Ford T Bucket & 45 flatheadOld saddle .
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (126 items)

    In the Early 1900s Harleys and Indians ran on banked wooden tracks all across the US. Broken boards in the track were one of the hazzards these racers had to look for while racing a machine at 100 mph without brakes. One famous Indian racer's nickname was "Splinters". Eventually all these tracks were closed as a result of the high number of fatalities. They are awesome fire spitting machines to see and hear run.

    Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
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    1936 Harley-Davidson Other
    1936 Harley-Davidson Other ...
    1967 Harley-Davidson Other
    1967 Harley-Davidson Other ...
    1984 Harley-Davidson Other
    1984 Harley-Davidson Other ...
    1966 Harley-Davidson Other
    1966 Harley-Davidson Other ...
    1936 Harley-Davidson Other
    1936 Harley-Davidson Other ...
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    1. RonM RonM, 12 years ago
      Thank you Phil and Micheal!
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      Almost drooled on my keyboard again! CW should have a Flag that says "DROOL WARNING". Luckily I had a rag handy. Actually it was my shirt sleeve. I truly love it! Surely these early models didn't get close to 100 mph?
    3. RonM RonM, 12 years ago
      Some of these board tracks had 60 degree banked curves.Nascars steepest is Talladega at 32 degrees. These old bikes could easily do 100 mph laps.Glad you liked it Blunderbus.
    4. Manikin Manikin, 12 years ago
      That is one sweet ride ! Loving it ! Thanks for sharing it Ron :-)
    5. RonM RonM, 12 years ago
      Thank you everyone!

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