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Pottery Pitcher w/Carved/Scratched Designs~Bird?, Horse?, Duck?~Signature Unrecognized, HELP!:)

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    Posted 12 years ago

    (314 items)

    Hello Friends,
    This is a new purchase,( bought today). I was having a bad day, from the moment I opened my eyes to the minute I met this odd man at the bank, very bright and unusually familiar with me,( talked about the great banking families?, though we were old friends ). It threw me off somewhat and left me a little startled, but feeling a bit better.
    Then I went to this new shop in town where I recently found a couple of interesting things.
    This pitcher is from there, stands about 6 1/4", and has a wonderful carved & scratched design. Looks like a bird, a horse, a duck, and ?,........a very cool piece.
    The signature is terrific, but not one that I'm familiar with, it familiar to any of you?
    Thanks Much,
    warm wishes to all,

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Totally interesting! I wonder what kind of bird...I keep changing my mind! I'm crabby too. Weather? Ready for vacation? Lack of sleep? Whatever it may be, I hope you have a great day tomorrow!
    2. Budek Budek, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the looks and loves, Amber, Tony, and PhilDavid
      and thank you for the comments.
      Amber, I've been on a high with the weather this last week, but also been a little stressed out. Haven't been sleeping well, and the new cholesterol drug I've been taking has been giving me a lot of muscle/joint soreness...could have a lot to do with it, also, tomorrow's my bday, and a very full work day, which has me bumming. Sorry for all the whining.
      and PhilDavid, interesting story about the man on the bus, kind of sad, ( and funny in a dark way ), but it gave me a little chuckle,....................thanks:)
    3. AmberRose AmberRose, 12 years ago
      Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Sneak yourself off from work for a treasure hunt! Pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage, abpnd imagine me lifting a glass to you in cheers!
    4. Budek Budek, 12 years ago
      Thank You for the love Amber and Bellin!
      You and my other friends on CW add lustre to the day
      Big Hugs,
    5. Budek Budek, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love Kevin,
      wishing you a beautiful week-end,
    6. Budek Budek, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the loves, MaryH & nldionne
      happy Sunday to you both,
    7. inky inky, 12 years ago
      A happy belated birthday Budek…love this jug of yours very much!...:-)
    8. Budek Budek, 12 years ago
      Thank You Inky, for the love and good wishes
      Wishing you a beautiful day and week-end ahead
    9. artislove artislove, 12 years ago
      great pitcher it looks like a stylistic bird done in scraffito technique wich i adore first they bake the pitcher,this one probably made of white clay and after cooling down dipped into fluid red clay and than scratched with a stick (or several different sticks) to make the decoration.have no clue about the marking but i like this a lot thanks for bringin it up budek bless you and best wishes to make you feel better!!!!!
    10. Budek Budek, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the love toolate2,
      have a great week-end!
    11. Budek Budek, 12 years ago
      Art is love, Thank You for the love and wonderful comment,
      and for explaining the technique so well.
      I am in good spirits the last couple of days, feeling better physically, too!
      Thanks for the care and concern,
      best wishes for a beautiful week-end,
    12. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 12 years ago
      Hi, Budek! Hope you at Kat are doing well and enjoying a beautiful Spring! Love this one!!! : ) Take care, miKKo

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