Posted 12 years ago
(728 items)
Hello! Bears from The Land "Up Above" Bottom reads Canada THORN I believe. Native American Carving, I made up the Land "Up Above", pretty cool! thanks for looking! And hello to all my good Canadian friends!! Don
This style of sculpture with the two bears is also known as ... believe it or not ... the six legged bear. My wife has a couple variations of this piece.
Thank you! WOW! I just saw your camera collection! Beautiful! I will now watch for wood cameras! I have my mom's from WW-2, She was a nurse! And in Iceland took Winston Churchill's photo, hers is a Kodak 1939!
Thanks for the compliment, toracat. Post your mom's camera! Is the Winston Churchill picture also around to post? - Rob
I can post camera, I showed photo to a man who wrote a book about him and he used it, stole it kind of, but I have original with military stamp on the back. Maybe I can fix it so it can not be copied?!
I've never seen a six legged bear, sculpture.
As for your picture it can have a watermark digitally put over it, have a look at some of mine.
Thanks, I just posted!
Naughty bears!
They Chicago Cubs! Maybe your friends! haha
lol!!! amber!!!!! :)
And I was being a GOOD Girl :0 :))))))
The bears are getting me excited!
Naughty Toracat!
Call me Yogi Bear tonight
Where's Booboo?
He is with Simon! But boo hoo I am alone! boo hoo!
thanks Geno!
HEY! AmberRose, Maybe your real name is AmBeargypsyROSELEE! haha
Very moving piece! Love it!
Thanks tom!