Posted 12 years ago
(79 items)
This vase has a story that I hope you don't find too discouraging. When this 7-1/8", PG 1/158 piece appeared on ebay, the photos were so unclear that the underlying zipper pattern was barely discernable and I guess no one else noticed. So.....I got it for a very good price! This happens only rarely. But being the adament collector that I am, I will occationally pay "the price" for a piece that I feel I just must have. Does it even out in the long run..........? Not likely. (2005)
I must have missed it or it must have been before my time :) I live for blurry pictures.
Who are these people with the blurry photos though? Especially the sellers who've been rated thousands of times and have likely sold twice that or more. It's 2013, not 2008, not that that was a fair excuse either. Everyone has a digital camera nowadays. Especially the people that sell items for hundreds of dollars a pop. I've sworn off buying blurry things and I'm okay with losing out on those rare, rare instances where fraud's not part of the m.o. /rant Lovely vase, though. Very.
One of my all-time favorite decors. In the right light, the blues pop right off the surface. In poor light it just looks silver though.
I love bad photos or nicotine clouded glass from a smokers home. They have helped me win a few choice pieces over the years. Beautiful vase.
I agree with Tony, my latest was the 166 lamp that had horrid photos, very dark. I took a risk and assumed the seller was accurate with her description, and it paid off.
My sentiments exactly. What is life without risk. I must say that my risk taking has payed off far more times than not, and if not, was virtually always remedied.
What beauty this piece has in the colours & the pattern which it looks to have a female on it or is that just my imagination either way it is great. As if something is worth it or not it's all in the love of the piece.
One of my all time favorite decors too! Nice example and even sweeter knowing that you got it for a good price. And the answer is: "No". If you are a collector it will never even out! Only the dealers, who are constantly on the hunt for listings with bad photos and can flip them within seconds after buying them, can claim they are ahead! Actually, the ones I know make pretty good money doing this!
Regarding auction-risk, I've only had a bad experience with people who don't take clear photos. As the years go on and technology makes for better tools, there'll be no reason or excuse for that.