Posted 12 years ago
(761 items)
Surrey Hills Market here in Sydney happens on the first Saturday of each month. This jug appeared there over fifteen years ago and I was really taken by the design. Ten dollars, why not? The planishing of the surface suggested hand work and it has puzzled me for years how the artisan was able to create the form and the handle from one piece of pewter. The French call this type of work “Dinanderie”. The signature on the bottom is P. Plasait Orfèvre and Étain D'Art within a triangle. Not perfect, but just such a beautiful shape. Love the handle. Love the shape of the lip. All in all, a very feminine form.
Not much is available on the net about Pierre Amédée Plasait other than that he was born in 1910. I have put together a few details because the name Plasait is still linked to another goldsmith in Paris: Pierre Meurgey. Pierre MEURGEY - PLASAIT Créateurs Orfèvres, 20 boulevard des Filles du Calvaire. Perhaps a link too to Bernard Plasait, a French Senator who had been a director of “PLASAIT Orfèvre, une entreprise de création et de fabrication d’argenterie implantée Place des Vosges à Paris”.
My love of French Art Deco has endured over the years.
Height: 25.5 cm or 10 inches
Many thanks MSLOVER!
Many thanks AmberRose!
stunning!!!! wow what a great find!!!!!!
Many thanks SEAN!
your very welcome Kevin, I had to post this on facebook page so others can see this beautiful item!!!!
Thanks for that exposure SEAN!
Anytime Kevin!!!
Many thanks Manikin and Valentino97!
What a great design!
Many thanks mikelv85 and FlederMaus too for your kind comment!
I love the shape.
Many thanks JayHow and Nadia for your comments and to Phil 'n Belltown for the loves as well!
Many thanks austro!
Many thanks smiata and SarahHoff too!
Beautiful!! When I was little my love was Penguins! I had a collection! When I first saw this I thought What a beautiful Penguin!
Hi Don! I know exactly what you mean! The lip has a very bird like beak. I'm reminded too of later pieces of Finnish glass by Timo Sarpaneva - the Pinottava Pullo series.
Timo S. loves Penguins also!!
Right on Don!
Many thanks Tonino and INKY too!
Hi Kevin I have been off line for a short time but this caught my eye. I understand what you mean about the looks like hammer markings I seen a show on this once that is what I noticed straight up & decided to start reading the description even though I have only done my learning what I have from books or shows its nice to know that I have picked some things up. It is something that I would of brought myself well done.
Many thanks Zowie!
It's beautiful!
Many thanks TOM61375!
Many thanks MANIKIN!
Many thanks HO2C!
Do you think this piece is raised and planished? if so, that is quite a feat and it's a very valuable piece. but i've never heard of doing that w/ pewter - just silver, gold and copper. Dinanderie is a new term for me. what does it mean, exactly?
I think the base has been soldered in. The rest has been worked from some cylindrical form I suppose.
Dinant is a place in Belgium that gave its name to the term in the XIVth century.
La dinanderie is the technique of the 'dinandier'. It is the use of hammers to create forms from copper, brass silver and pewter.
Many thanks HIPPYCHIK 'n MIKELV too!
Many thanks PETEY and BRETT too!
Many thanks AIMATHENA, I'm KEV!
Many thanks AGRAM!
Many thanks ARTISLOVE & BRATJDD too!
Back again Kevin how tricks I see you have a new picture this time of day all is starting to slow down with Laptop kids haome from school I put my computor in for service so I will now see how Email address goes been off line more then on lately just a tad under the weather & got frustrated with Emails & bull from server there last comment was it was all on your end crap to them will catch up I must sign off will most probaly end up sitting up at some strange hour. Keep well
Hi Zowie! Have a great evening!
Evenings i forget what they are my time is from about 11pm onwards then all day till I drop when ever I get to stretch out.
Many thanks ZOWIE & POPS52!
Many thanks JUSTANOVICE!
Always a pleasure Kevin & thank you for all the information that you have given
Many thanks TOM61375!
Many thanks CATTEAN!
Many thanks NORDICMAN!
Gorgeous shape this has Vetraio, & great info too.
There's some lovely Nouveau/Deco pewter around, i love it.
Many thanks VINTAGEFRAN!
Many thanks Manikin!
Many thanks ZZEPPELIN!
Many thanks VINTAGEFRAN!
Many thanks PICKRKNOWS!
Thanks MIkkO!
I hope Christmas went well & happy new year
Always a pleasure with good things bud have a happy & pleasurable day
Many thanks AURA !!!!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!! !!!! !!!
Many thanks HUNTERQLEE & NEWFLD !!!!! !!!!!
Many thanks FAITH !!!!!