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    Posted 14 years ago

    (2 items)

    a family member passed away 2 years ago we have left his collection intact but my husband has now told me I have till the end of the year to clean it out. He told me I could keep 10 items so I am trying to determin the most valuable of the collection. THere are many more pictures I could post but it only allows 4 so I would like a value amount and maybe some history if you have it on any of these items. Thanks.

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    1. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Of course you are sitting on a gold mine. Here is a site that lists collectors in Texas. I am sure you can find more.

      You can make as many entries on Collectors Weekly as you like. List four pictures each time. The great thing is if you take pictures, you have an instant inventory of everything plus where ever you list them you have the pics. You are going to have a lot of people paying attention around here! Thanks.

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