Most Recent Collections
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145-192 of 5,691
Obsolete & obscure - vintage glass objects found in op shops - GlasswareGlass oddities by IronLace
Fenton Art Glass Daisy and Fern rose bowl - GlasswareFenton Art Glass by kwqd
Louis XIV or XV chaise? Need help. - FurnitureLouis XV by JodiRae
Pooh Bear "Out on a Limb" Painting, By Jim Salvati - AdvertisingPaintings by SynJynx
Val St. Lambert Vase - Art NouveauCrystal by Melada75
Three (3) Glass Waistcoat Ball Buttons - 7/16" - SewingGlass Ball Buttons by ehunt
Husband’s  auction “find” - LampsLamps by DollRosie
Unknown Glass Decanter - Smoke color - Art GlassDECANTERS by antiquer…
Murano Christmas Tree - Art GlassMurano Trees by Sarrie
Walt Disney Snow White figurine set?Walt Disney Collection by Shelbiw
triple Tristar  - Tools and Hardwarevacuum i like by vintagev…
Heirloom Cocoa Pot - China and DinnerwareChina & Glassware by LarsonMrs
Heirloom Cocoa Pot - China and DinnerwareMy Heirlooms by LarsonMrs
mid century modern tile jac lovades 50s - PotteryArt by Maxpar
Old Berkshire woodstove - Kitchenberkshire stove by man_of_the_…
Larry Laslo for Mikasa Art Glass Basket - Art GlassJapanese Glass by racer4four
Bohemian Art Glass Vase --  ? Welz ? - Art GlassPINK GLASS by antiquer…
Bohemian Art Glass Vase --  ? Welz ? - Art GlassBOHEMIAN/CZECH GLASS by antiquer…
Georgius Agricola Book Plates " De re metallica libri " /German 16th Century/Modern Reproductions or Originals ? - BooksVisual Arts by mikelv85
Georgius Agricola Book Plates " De re metallica libri " /German 16th Century/Modern Reproductions or Originals ? - BooksThrift store finds by mikelv85
"Sun Crest" 10 oz. Soda Bottle With Laundry Sprinkler / 1948-1951 - BottlesTchotchkes by mikelv85
Asian "Demilune" with Marble Top / Circa 20th Century - AsianFurniture by mikelv85
Murano Glass bull  - AnimalsMurano by Newfld
Why Paw Paw? The frog that started it all. - Sporting GoodsFishing lures by BTremper
Anton Sveen Troll Norwegian Hand Carved Signed  - FigurinesSveen Trolls by Dskolmen
A mysterious skeletal head found on Oahu seashore  - AnimalsSea creature or a land animal? A tiny skull by funtocol…
Vintage Texaco Motor Oil Signs - PetrolianaVintage Texaco Oil Ephemera by Exquisit…
Vintage Texaco Motor Oil Signs - PetrolianaVintage Gas Station Collectibles by Exquisit…
vintage 15" Mobilgas clock - PetrolianaVintage Mobil Oil Ephemera by Exquisit…
Crown Trifari Swallow pin/brooch - Costume JewelryVintage jewelry by Heather.…
Black Pumas/ [ jazz no.7] - Fine ArtAndre pace by Andrepace
Victorian Photo Album and Autograph Album - AccessoriesMiscellaneous Stuff by strangem…
Really nice Coca-Cola clock - Coca-ColaCoca Cola Clock by woody56
Avante Studios Painting - by R. Nichols(?) - Mid-Century ModernMy items by Logancir…
Sewing Thread Spool Holder - SewingVintage and Antique Sewing Notions and Fabric by strangem…
Queen Elizabeth II Coronation View Finders - PhotographsBritish Royalty by strangem…
Murano Aventurine blown glass bedside lamp - Art GlassItalian Art Glass by kwqd
Drawing Of Three Heads Japanese?  - AsianArt by strangem…
Jewelry Makers Mark - Costume JewelryShiny! by strangem…
A Carlo Scarpa ‘Pennellate’ or Wishful Thinking  ? - Art GlassArt Glass by mikelv85
Livia Gorka / Spiral Design Bottle Vase / Circa 1960 - PotteryArt Pottery by mikelv85
Little Christmas House - Ceramic ( Unknown Maker ) - ChristmasCHRISTMAS STUFF by antiquer…
HITLER POSTAGE STAMPS - StampsGermany postage stamps by MystryxD…
13 lb vase - Found buried in my backyard!  - Art GlassGlass that makes you go.. hmmmmm by Skettzam…
Signed JG Durand - France -- CAT - Art GlassCAT STUFF by antiquer…
Signed JG Durand - France -- CAT - Art GlassANIMALS - ALL by antiquer…
Jewelry Favorites - Fine JewelryAntique and Vintage Jewelry by mlressle…
Art Deco French Bronze Statue on  Marble Base circa 1927 - Art DecoART DECO STATUES/ BOOKENDS by PhilDMor…
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145-192 of 5,691