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Looking for help identifying ancient glass bottle/flask/jug (roman or hebron) perhaps unique item - Bottlesin Bottles
Rare vintage glass carafe or something like that need help identifying - Bottlesin Bottles


  1. Hi Today i went to an ancient glass expert. She took her time to examine the piece and she thought that it was a 19th century Italian reproduction. She said it was a handblown dipmolded piece. T...
  2. Apologies to bottleguy misread your message. Saw neither instead of either ;-). Thanx for the info i will go tomorrow to a specialist with it for more help.
  3. Hi bottleguy Thanx for the thoughts do you have any idea what it could be when its not roman or a reproduction? I think to its to heavy and thick for a reproduction and the typical roman glass is ...
  4. Nobody with a thought about this one??
  5. Today I went to the Roman museum here in heerlen. to verify the story from the antiquair the museum told me that it could be a real old Roman bottle, only the chip from the blower at the bottom of th...
  6. Today i went to an antiquair with the bottle and she told me it was an replica from an ancient Roman bottle. The bottle is to heavy, Roman bottles where lightweight according to her and should almost...
  7. I mean looking at the handles and bottleneck that was used a lot in the Roman era. also the stains or mud or something won't come of ???? so I will leave it like that. but can anyone tell me if they...
  8. Looking for it on Google and personaly i'm thinking thats it is Some kind of bottle from the roman era (or fake). Or am i mistaking?
  9. See more


ART NOUVEAU LOETZ IRIDESCENT GLASS VASE Sterling Overlay with Swan Amongst Water Lilies /Bulrushes, CIRCA1900 Looking for help identifying ancient glass bottle/flask/jug (roman or hebron) perhaps unique item


posted 12 months ago