OCAD » collections



A selection of headdress from OCAD Militaria Collectors Resources, an on-line museum of military helmets, caps and uniforms, focused mainly on the Second World War, A selection of headdress from OCAD Militaria Collectors Resources, an on-line museum of military helmets, caps and uniforms, focused mainly on the Second World War, but including the postwar and WW1. (Read more)


  1. Nice looking cap but I would say it is post WW2 or a perhaps more likely a repro.
  2. Looks like a British sword to me. Perhaps originally Naval
  3. Could it be Hank Williams?
  4. Beautiful!
  5. Thanks Lance. The cap is initialled and is part of other uniform items, as well as photos with a name and address. A little research from that revealed his service record. I will post some more photos...
  6. Thanks Sean!
  7. Fantastic chair. I would love to find such an example, even with the leather in this condition.
  8. Beautiful
  9. See more


French paramilitary riot helmet m1895 federal service forage cap Vintage WW2 U.S. Miltary Hats Falcon mini bike Photo from 1940s Military hat collection display A True Antique... Slag Glass Hanging Lamp...October 20, 1908


posted 1 year ago
