TammyInCarolina » collections




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Spartanburg, S.C.

Grandmother of 2 and I love old stuff...My most favorites are my Dad's old Navy thing's and my Grandfather's old Boy Scout Item's....I love Coke and I love to estateGrandmother of 2 and I love old stuff...My most favorites are my Dad's old Navy thing's and my Grandfather's old Boy Scout Item's....I love Coke and I love to estate sale and pick! (Read more)


  1. Thank you toolate2!
  2. Thank's, Stonie, Signaholic, Boxlunchkiller and lundy!
  3. Thank's officialfuel!
  4. Love the pic of the Tallship!
  5. Thank's tommy 1002, officialfuel and signaholic !
  6. Thank's walksoftly, officialfuel, MarilynD826 and stonesfan 1....
  7. My Uncle had one almost like this, his dad was an Opthamologist, so I would say it might be an Eye Exam chair used in an Eye Doctor's office! Just a guess
  8. Thank's TallCakes!
  9. I am quarter Cherokee, and I have my grandfather's collection from the 50's, when he was a Scoutmaster....Will try to get them posted soon...Still going through all of his and my grandmother's thing's!
  11. Thnk's stonesfan1 !
  12. Thank's ttomtucker, officialfuel & AR8Jason!
  13. I don't remember about the one with Churchill & Roosevelt....But the ones of my Dad and Carl aren't...They were just pictures of them on one of the ship's they were on together....He was a close frien...
  14. I just recently remember, finding a picture like this in some of my father's estate item's, that we were going through, also several pictures of him and Carl Brashear, he was the focus of the movie Me...
  15. Classic.....Love it, I to live near a Drive-In, it is used as a Flea Market and has all the old playground equipment still there! Great pic's!
  16. @AR8Jason, will check it out! Thank's!
  17. Thank's junkmanjoe! My husband's name is Joe, and he loves to pick & dumpster dive and yardsale with me!
  18. Looks like a horse's head or like a knight's piece in chess set and has a letter , but again so worn I can't make out the letter looks possibly like an E or L!
  19. Thank's for the info AR8Jason, I tried to take a pic of the hallmark, but it is so worn, I don't have a camera capable of getting a good shot....The lion is sideway's with his head turned and facing f...
  20. @Signaholic, thank's we enjoy it so much, it is something we enjoy playing with our grandson....We are young grandparent's...LOL!!! Please post a pic of your Little Chief, i am anxious to see it.....A...
  21. LOL...Then I feel like such a dummy, I actually thought I had a large set and small set....But the small bowl is the pedestal and it had 18 cup's....I will have to take another picture....I had to hav...
  22. I got it corrected, Thank's for bringing it to my attention Paul71!
  23. I saw one around $40.00, but don't know what the grade was! Then on another site one in VG was about $66.00....
  24. Thank you vanskyock24!
  25. Thank's tommy1002!
  26. http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/large-old-wood-adv-thermometer-ramons-brownie And Another!
  27. http://www.etsy.com/listing/49191695/ramons-brownie-pills-painted-wooden-sign Wow, here is another one!!!
  28. Oh really, only metal ones made....You sound like a little kid! http://www.proxibid.com/asp/LotDetail.asp?ahid=1464&aid=32332&lid=8832459 Please don't comment any further!!!!
  29. Thank's officialfuel!
  30. Thank's officialfuel!
  31. ***OOOP"S, that should say husband!
  32. I have one like this, it appear's to have the mold line and the tool mark as well, but doesn't have the LGW....On the bottom however it has Spartanburg, S.C. being that I am from Spartanburg I really ...
  33. See more


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