cal6842 » collections



  1. Beautiful !!!
  2. I thought it was a " weeder " but it only has a edge on each side of point, Thanks for you guys opinion which I value a great deal !
  3. Yes it is a "Traveler " my dad used one when he made a wagon wheel for a neighbor !great memory maker make me long for yesterday !!
  4. Thanks to TGBWC I went the referenced web site and I have the exact same Thing they are calling a "Coke Cola syrup dispenser cookie jar " even down to the markings on the bottom, !!! if not for you gu...
  5. His clothing appears to be attached by glue? and upon further inspection I believe his arms/legs are made of a rigid form of leather. The beads appear to be glass or ceramic . This info from me has t...
  6. It is dirty as you said also fragile am afraid to handle much ,I might damage it!
  7. As usual Thanks, the info is interesting and helpful to me , as I have very little knowledge in rugs/tapestries .
  8. Thanks to every one you have been a great help , I will continue to try to solve the riddle, (I just don't believe some hobbyist would take the time to post the time/date etc. in his signature...) I t...
  9. The legs/arms/body are not flexible , they seem to be made of maybe bamboo or bone, (see end of arms in photo )
  10. I think it would double in value if I filled with Peanut butter cookies , Don't you ?
  11. This photo I referred to was taken by a camera not drawn , but out of respect to the folk's privacy in the pic. I would rather not make it public ! just my preference. If someone is able to Id. the f...
  12. No , The reference was to the guys in the photo not the art work.
  13. Thanks I will , I just needed a starting point ; again Thanks to every one who takes their time to comment on my postings
  14. No , I did not believe it to be native American or Indian, In fact I did not how to list it, I just wanted to find any info I could from folks like you ,Thanks for commenting !
  15. Manikin , I don't know you in the short time I have been posting, but you are a treasure and I so appreciate your comments and knowledge , My hat is off to you ! ( and others too !!)
  16. It's nice to know that someone else like the things we like !!
  17. Thanks everyone the hunt for someone who can I.D. these continues !!!!
  18. Thanks Guys !
  19. Very cute , love the pigs.
  20. I am not disputing any ones comments , they are all appreciated ,my mystery is why would any one document thousands of drawings with the date , time and signature ? I also have a photo of some guys a...
  21. I corrected my original statement The label reads "Old Red Feather " not Leather. and the arms appear ( I can only see the ends) to be made of bone or a similar material , How would I find out if this...
  22. Thanks , I thought so too .
  23. I thought so also but, what puzzles me is the signatures all have dates , and I have one with the Cinderella ad from a magazine and the original art work with the same signature and date attached ??
  24. Thanks for your info , The arms/legs are not corm husks cannot make out what because the leather is stuck to it, but it feel more like small bamboo , if that tells you anything, I would like to say t...
  25. See more


Asian pottery ceramics Large jar bowl with lid Rooster


posted 8 years ago