nt1962 » collections




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  1. Thank you :)
  2. Wow, that was so nice of you to go to that trouble! You AND your niece! That WAS very helpful! Thank you soooo much!
  3. That's okay. I guess I was feeling extra sensitive that day. :(
  4. Wow, something I said?
  5. Awesome! Thank you so much!
  6. Okay, I found it again. I think if you type this in on eBay, you should be able to look at what I was talking about and compare it to yours: " L4 Rare Fenton 1920s Green Uranium Opalescent NU 220 Roy...
  7. I saw this same pattern tonite on ebay when I was trying to figure out what my plate was called! They said it was "rare" --that's all I remember. Thanks for loving my plate too :)
  8. Thanks :)
  9. See more


Strange dragon vase Bronze vases beautiful pieces of art Jefferson Opalescent Stripe Vase ( Uranium Glass ) Opalescent Glass  Bowl, Signed EZAN France Consolidated Glass Lamp Cleveland Plain Dealer Sign  Fostoria Heirloom Bowl Japanese book (post 3)
