Star Wars Collectibles

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Ever since the first "Star Wars" movie was released in 1977, this franchise has been a collectibles juggernaut. From action figures to board games, "Star Wars" images have found their way onto an endless number of everyday items and movie...
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Ever since the first "Star Wars" movie was released in 1977, this franchise has been a collectibles juggernaut. From action figures to board games, "Star Wars" images have found their way onto an endless number of everyday items and movie memorabilia. Indeed, it is difficult to come up with an object that hasn’t become a "Star Wars" collectible. Absolutely no one was prepared for smashing success of the film and the pop-culture craze that followed. Toy makers, in particular, scoffed at licensing another science-fiction film, which they figured would soon be forgotten. Twentieth Century Fox offered toy licensing rights to Mattel, the makers of Barbie; Hasbro, the makers of G.I. Joe; and Mego, the biggest action-figure maker in the country, known for it superhero characters and movie-licensing deals. All of them refused to take a risk on this "space opera" by a little-known director with a cast of unknown actors. Besides, sci-fi was considered a dead genre. Bernie Loomis, then the president Kenner Products, maker of 12-inch "Six Million Dollar Man" action figures, also didn't believe that the "Star Wars" movie would be remembered after two months. However, he thought the characters and their vehicles were well suited to toys and might sell well regardless. Kenner signed a deal—based on Fox's plan to also make "Star Wars" a weekly television series—that gave the company exclusive worldwide rights for all toys related to the franchise. While toy executives were less than thrilled about "Star Wars" sales potential, the toy designers at Kenner were over the moon about working with George Lucas. Many of them loved his first movie, "THX 1138." David Okada, Kenner vice president of preliminary design, and Jim Swearingen, designer of the toy X-Wing and TIE Fighter, would get more excited with every piece of the film that was revealed to them. Despite their enthusiasm, the toys were not ready for the May 25, 1977 limited release of "Star Wars," or even the...
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Cinema Treasures
This user-contributed database of classic movie theaters currently lists over 17,000 theaters...
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Gus Lopez and friends have created a parallel universe for Star Wars collectors, impossible to...
Steves Disney Collection
Steve Lee’s large collection of original Disney art: pencil drawings from animated features...
Steve McQueen Film Poster Site
If you're a Steve McQueen fan, this site can't be beat. Roger Harris has put together a...
Steven Hill's Movie Title Screens Page
If you're the type who likes watching the titles and credits at the beginning of movies, you'll...
Jedi Temple Archives
The Force is strong in this website, which is an amazingly comprehensive guide to “Star Wars”...