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My Cassina edition Fledermaus chair. Josef Hoffmann.

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JOSEF HOFFMANN6 of 9Wiener werkstätte box fittings sample display (around 1912)Brass cigarette box, Josef Hoffmann (Wienner Werkstätte, 1920-1925)
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (584 items)

    This is my Fledermaus chair by Josef Hoffmann. Of course it is a Cassina edition. I got it around 1999 at a regular shop price (from the very same fancy design shop I asked for the price of the Mackintosh chairs... I became quite acquainted with Efrén, the owner as I used to go there and have long chats on design with him, although I don't remember he made even a little discount for it... mmmmm :/ )

    After rescuing a lot of stray chairs from the street I made up my mind I should replace several of them with good design chairs, but I only managed to do it with this one. The design chairs on my list were a couple of Eames chairs (one of them a RAR, the other one a DAW), a Tulip chair -one of the all upholstered ones- a Womb chair... (after saving money after a couple of years, of course) and a few others... Why did i chose this one? I always loved this design when seeing it on books, plus at the time I bought it I was so obsessed with both Mackintosh and Viennese Secession and as I already had my two Mackintosh chairs my choice of a design chair was such an easy one!

    On pic 4 you can see... yes, the same dining room pictures I always share :) As you can see the Fledermaus chair is by the Argyle Mackintosh one. My original plan for a dining room was having six different chairs, all of them black with white washable upholstery, around a black and terracotta red table I made myself using the metal legs I once found on the curb. On the pic you can see just five chairs and the two at the back are two simmilar Art Deco ones I also found on the curb. The other one is an old Mocholí chair, another curb discovery which I painted black -with oil paint... yes, I know it sounds weird, but at the moment I knew nothig about ebonizing wood techniques-. Mocholí was the Valencian furniture company that made all the Thonet style chairs in Spain.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      keep adding salt to flesh wound!!! LOL!!! STUNNING CHAIRS AUSTRO!!
    2. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Sean!!! I will probably have to get rid of some chairs before i can share them all :(

      Thanks for your love famatta, Violet, Manikin and agh!!!
    3. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      Of course I love it but I just love your found chairs. They have so much life to them!
    4. fledermaus fledermaus, 11 years ago
      Another one of my faves. We are thinking of going to the Neue Gallery in NY this weekend to see the Degenerate Art show.
      Love the room and your paintings!
    5. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Amber and Fledermaus!!!

      Amber, it's going to be hard getting rid of even a couple of them, but there's not room enough for them at the new place :(

      Fledermaus, that's a museum I'd love to see sometime!!! They have some amazing ehbitions and excellent books on them

      And thanks for the compliments on the room and my paintings :$ By the way, the room doesn't exist anymore: I'm packing everything and will be moving into another place by next Autumn. I hope the new place will look much, much better :)
    6. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks for loving it petey, mike, racer and vet!!!
    7. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Your very welcome austro!! don't get rid of them , for they are very beautiful!!
    8. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      haha, thanks Sean! I'm definitely keeping my Fledermaus!!! (no matter it's a 1990s reproduction ) butI've got other chairs with more value in the sentimental side that on the design side, and those will have to go. Believe me, I'd keep them all if I could.
    9. Katzl Katzl, 11 years ago
      WOW!!! It's just stunning!! How wonderful to have furniture like that...!!!
    10. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks miederman and katzl! I repeat it's just a reproduction but... yes, it is wonderful! :)
    11. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks cogito! Wouldn't it be great having a real one? ;)
    12. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Today I took this chair to the studio. It's going to live in the kitchen (no ordinary kitchen -it will also be the meeting point for friends in the house) and it matches perfectly our recently purchased and gorgeous Swedish table from the 50s and all the other different black chairs (Mackintosh's Argyle, a three legged Thonet, a thonet-style Spanish chair... ).

      Special message for MANI: and yes, it's going to be VERY colourful! the kitchen is mostly white (furniture and rhe upholstery on the chairs), gray (counter), and very dark gray (floors), and the there's black (chairs, hood and the table legs) plus gorgeous red tiles on two walls. ,And the other walls are painted in two tones of purple (grayish purple and pinkish purple) and a warm and gorgeous teak top on the table. How does it sound to you?

      There's still plenty to do in the studio (the works haven't even ended) but the kitchen is looking definitely fabulous!
    13. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks pARIS for your love!!!
      I'd really like like to get some Viennese period pieces... this one's nice, but it should be amazing getting "a real one". tne funny thing is they're not half as expensive as we think... most of the times they have better prices than design chairs produced last year...
    14. BelleEpoque BelleEpoque, 10 years ago
    15. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks for your love BelleEPOQUE and MALMOEHANK!!!

      Yes PARIS. It's hard to believe but true... old quality stuff is better and cheaper than modern crap!
      Well... you can always start getting them one by one. You just need a little bit of luck and patience :)

    16. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      I wonder when shall we be able to combine good taste and a well provided bank account!!! :)
    17. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 10 years ago
      Thanks for your love MANI, LISA and GTMOOM!!!!

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