Posted 10 years ago
(308 items)
A Tesla Coil Light, commercially called a Plasma Light. Just the coolest of the cool own them. lol. I bought this at Spencers in the mall for my father about 20 years ago. He kept it for 10 and said he used it often and loved it. He gave it back to me about 10 years ago. I use it occasionally. The 4th photo is in front of mirrors. The 1st photo is photo shopped and makes a great wallpaper for the desktop.
Thanks for sharing, love that light. I have a major fascination with Nikola :)
Cool. Love it's shape. I've never seen one like it.
Thanks for the Love to MeliG, Aghcollect, Fortapache, Kerry10456, Welzebub, SEAN68, CaperKid, Racer4Four and VintageFran. I do appreciate it.
Thanks for the comments to MeliG and VintageFran. I am a fan of Tesla and usually see these type lights in the round shape. Thanks!.
This was my first time seeing that shape as well. My father in law of 74 yrs has a round one he keeps on his dresser, loves it!
You lucky duck!!! What a great thing to own!
Thanks MeliG & Efesgirl. The fascinating thing about these is when you touch the glass, the current attracts to that point and follows the touch as you move around the glass. You can touch it at multiple points and create a matrix of energy inside the horn. Thanks girls.
Thanks for the Love to Blunderbuss2, Efesgirl, Sklo42, Trey and Vetraio50. Appreciate it!
Very cool Deano! I love the first pic!
Thanks to Rick55 for the nice comment and Love. Appreciate it.
Great thanks to Vetraio50 for the "Love it" click.
This is inspiring and from a great mind. We all can share in something glimmering from the mind of a genuine genius! Bravo!
Thanks to PostCardCollector for the comment. I agree, but it's funny, some people don't know who Tesla was. They only know Edison. Edison didn't have a rock band named after him! LOL.
Cool Beans... ;-)
Groovy ! ...
Thank you LuLuX, definitely on the groovy side. Thanks.
Very coooool photo's. I have one just like it. Had it for about 15+ yrs. I have other round plasma balls as well.