Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
I bought this trunk for $100 off craigslist. The guy said it may be from around the 1930's but that he really didn't know anything. It has the remnants of a label on it but google isn't turning up too much. The lock also says "Standard Stamping Corp Petersburg, VA 125" The trunk measures 36in wide, 24in tall, 20in deep and is made from wood but has some sort of metal-like coating or protectant on it. I'm a huge history buff and would love any sort of information someone could provide on this! I'm also thinking of possibly trying to do a little bit of a restore on it because there's a lot of rust and some of the wood is cracked, but I don't want to do anything to it that could potentially damage it or to lose some of the historica significance so any tips there would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Looks like this is a Spalding trunk. Here is one for sale and you can see what the label looks like.
This looks similar to mine. Do you think it is canvas covered?
I actually looked it up and the material is called vulcanized leather and was the first type of fake leather.