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Oertel & Co (attributed) acid cutback vase, ca. 1925

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Bohemian Art Glass2949 of 6907Hummingbird Feeder, Czech Republic, Circa 20 centuryKralik Mica blue iridescent bud vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (649 items)

    Glass vessels of this type are documented in Das Böhmische Glas 1700-1950, Band VI (Art Deco - Moderne). Many pieces came as a result of the relationship between the glass making school in Novy Bor and the firm of Oertel.

    When I first tried to identify this vase, I actually thought it might be Loetz - there is a very similar shape and sized pattern in the Series III section of the "Musterschnitte", but the shape of the foot is different - too much so to be a match. I am attributing to Oertel based on four markers found on other confirmed Oertel examples - the triangles around the top rim, the shape of the foot, the gold highlights on the leaf patterns, an the bottom, which is finely ground flat and polished.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 8 years ago
      wow !!Warren such the collection!! 2 thumbs up!!
    2. apostata apostata, 1 month ago
      you got the Georg Höltl set , wow

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