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    Posted 8 years ago

    (813 items)

    I see postcards like this a lot, from back in the day.

    You don't see much snow anymore, even here on Lake Michigan.

    1918. Mentions Camp Grant.

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    1. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Cool card bear.
    2. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Thank you, Caperkid.
    3. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      I was born and raised in Chicago and blinked my eyes when you said Snow has diminished on Lake Michigan . Is it some kind of a "climate change" happening? I went to the beach often with my high school friends, less when I was working at my profession, Hair Stylist .(Shop Owner) Then married and came to Phoenix. OH! I DO miss the snow---greatly! Thanks for the "cool" photo!
    4. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      It's been a noticeable decrease for decades. In the 1950s, I'd have commented the same thing on this photo: The snow's diminished. If I were to take a photo of the snow back in the 1950s, and send it to the me of today, I'd say the same thing: There's not as much snow as there once was. All because the Earth is gone funny.
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      SpiritBear, here's a link to a movie that you might like to watch, if you haven't seen it already. "It's called Spirit in the wind" , it's the story of a CW members grandfather, that he posted here.

      The link for the movie is in the comments there! :^)
    6. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      Here's the link for the movie too!

      I hope you like it! :^)
    7. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Thank you, Bill. Sadly I've had very little time for personal enjoyment these past few weeks. College, work, death of a friend, etc. I'll try to remember it when I have a chance.
    8. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      (1st I'm sorry for the loss of your friend that's never easy, Hang in there! OO)
      I know here on the sunrise side of the State it's been a drastic decrease, I think only 5 or 6 times this PAST winter we had enough to shovel, I'm sure with Lake effect you get more then that but yeah not like it was, I recall one storm when I was a kid we had to tunnel our way out and the only way we found the car was by the last few inches of the antenna showing what a GREAT time as a kid we had a blast with it, Took 2 weeks for the plow to work it's way to the cottage.
      Still ONE of the Political party's refuse to believe in global warming, EPA, ARTS, PBS... ... ... however they do believe in clean clean coal WHAT. TC
    9. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      What makes it worse is, he took his own life. I kind of always knew he would, though.
      When I was young, the snow was a lot deeper. I'm only 20. And it wasn't deeper because I was shorter, either.
      The worst we've had in recent years, was 4 feet. My driveway averaged 2.5 feet, which took me 4 hours to shovel out by hand. Albeit the windchill brought the temperature down so low that (and I found this out after the fact) the city issued a warning to all residents to stay inside due to temperature (or lack of it), I had taken my coat off. LOL.
      Climate Change is real. Every time I read new articles on it, the information suggests it's getting worse and worse. I've followed climate change for several years now.
    10. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      That's sad so sorry to hear, all you can do is carry on brother we can't always help, I had 3 friends go that way (kinda knew 2 of them might) and it's only natural to wonder if I could have done something anything but alas we will never know, 1 old friend went to Jackson for murder and out of all the people I ever knew he was the 1 that we all thought could or would do something like that, crazy jerk can rot there.
      Between blowing thing's up and shoveling without a coat during a freeze advisory ? must just be a lucky guy, play the lotto lol
      You guys always get hit harder then we do (West Branch / Rose City area) we get plenty of cold plus I'm on top of a hill in what they call the Michigan Mountains (of course we have no real mountains here lol) so the wind gets strong however we next to never get more the 5 inches of snow and only got that 2 or 3 times this winter, but you do get the great sunsets.
      I get so mad when politicians say there is no Climate Change / Global Warming then lift the restrictions on coal that's caused a big part of the problem grrrr.
      Take good care, peace
    11. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Thank you, Political Pinbacks.
      The amount of shoveling and the type of snow caused me to get quite warm, so I took it off.
      We have Mt. Garfield here. It's a dune. LOL.
      Sounds like you didn't vote for Trump.
    12. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Agent Orange? not I, yeah shoveling is much like twice warmed firewood sure can heat one up, Love the dunes (in summer) John
      Oh the foretold crazy jerk.. I was more friends with his brother Brian R. who now lives in your home town lol no worries he is nothing like "the jerk"
    13. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Well, the county has 32,000 people and several cities (we all just call it Muskegon, myself being in Norton Shores, proper,) so there would be little worry. LOL.

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