Posted 8 years ago
(43 items)
Picked this tool up with a bunch of other items the other day. The older fellow explained to me what it was but we went through so much stuff I did not retain the information. Anybody know what it is and what it was used for in its day? Thanks
What is the thing sticking out the side that looks like an air valve with cap ?
That is a threaded plug with a square head. This is a Millers Falls tool, I noticed that stamped on it.
This is a chain drill for use with a brace & bit. The loop of chain lays on the other side of the way you pictured it. It goes around a pipe or other object to help hold the brace steady against the object as you drill into the pipe and the assembly can be tightened as you drill to take up the slack as the bit penetrates.
UncleRon has described it very nicely but I can add that the 'tightening' is done automatically via a feed thread and cam on the top.
Of interest I have seen (and photographed) a homemade version in Mocambique where it was used for boring holes through telephone/electricity poles.
Ingenious tool great to have for the 1 or 2 times ya need it.
Welcome to CW Nick stick around it's amazing the things you can learn here that you never knew you wanted to know about and find out something about anything you post, LOT of good and helpful folks here.
Welcome to CW!
And PoliticalPinbacks is 110% correct. What can be learned here is AMAZING!!!
I love that people on here are so knowlegable and helpful :)