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Sowe Konst Teak Orb Bowl Sovestad Sweden - Nut Bowl?

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (5053 items)

    here's another piece rescued from the house being cleaned out for sale near me in east oakland. it's a very beautiful bowl [?] with a scoop. i think it's called a nut bowl, but not certain. nice mcm look! from Sweden.

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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      Really pretty!!
    2. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      That's beautifully made. Just a great object.
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      thanks Thomas, Mrstyndall, and racer!!
    4. cindyjune cindyjune, 8 years ago
      Awesome piece of art!
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      thanks cindyjune!
    6. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      Good morning h2c, my friend is having his estate sale again, tomorrow Sunday 6/11/17 across from the Claremont Hotel entrance, corner of Russell and Claremont, from ~9:30 to ~1:30. Might be a good one, let Keith know that Bill sent you from CW! :^) I might make it there sometime, to check it out too! :^)
    7. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      sounds good bill. i'll try to make it.
    8. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
      Sigvard Nilsson ???!!!
    9. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      it does look like his work! cool!

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