Posted 8 years ago
(137 items)
I posted these items before but was unable to identify them. A friend of mine has done some research on them and come up with some answers. The bar was posted 4 months ago. It is from a mill and when rotated caused the hopper to vibrate to feed the grain into the grinding stones.
The 3 rings with protruding spikes caused a lively debate when I posted them 3 months ago. fhrjr2 came nearest to finding a solution with the suggestion they were used to bind wagon hubs.
In fact these items were made by a local blacksmith and are called sand washers. They were hammered into the back of a wheel hub to prevent sand spilling from a wagon and getting between the hub and the axel. They were used by local farmers who drew sand for the local council for road making.
Everything has a solution if we wait long enough.
I haven't slept for 4 months for this ? LOL !
Cool update!
I appreciate the update also. Learning can be fun.
Nice post..
I can finally get some sleep !