Posted 7 years ago
(87 items)
Since some years I have this Loetz Rubin Gre 85/5054 (1905-06) bowl ordered by the Vienna retailer E.Bakalowits. The décor is sketched in PN=85/5100. The clear glass with an inner case of dark ruby glass, shining like gold, is décorated by four finely structured pulled silveryellow bands covered by larger oilspots, all of a strong blue iridescence. The décor reminds onto the well known Cytisus. The bowl is blown from the top and shows a polished rim. The production number is PN=85/5570 and the item stands H=12 and D=14x14 cm.
Such an extraordinary piece, Kai! I have always loved this one.
Wow, absolutely beautiful!
just came back from hospital met my window cleaners and they tried my mixed fruit lemon curd golden syrup walnut rock buns baked made by mesell with the help jim ott at hospital
and saw this shock earth shattering piece of glass space odyssey stanley kubrik arthur c Clarke film wowzer out of this world or init
definately the good life kai
kiss the heavens a joyous piece indeed
all the very best malkey
back soon to the hospital to the berlovely nurses patients doctors ott jim who gives me such understanding as
fabilus fabilus fabilus congratulations kai my friend
Oh my goodness, Kai - this is stunning beyond words. I haven't seen anything like it; you must be very proud to have this in your collection! Thanks for sharing it!
As our wonderful Malkey says, just fabilus!!
Out of the box !!!WOW !!!
Thank you all for your kind comments and loves and for creative Malkey I wish you the very best recovery. I also would like to understand what 1412 or 16.32 may mean.
Extraordinarily wonderous piece, thank you for posting Kai!!
Fantabulous! piece of glass!..:-)
hi kai 6.32 pm time
1412 birth date