Posted 6 years ago
(5053 items)
I bought this statue from an old man who found it in a cave on his land in Fremont many years ago. It weighs a ton. I think it was from the top of a rotunda somewhere. ??
Athena - 4' Bronze Statue - 19th c | ||
Sculpture337 of 1001 | ![]() | ![]() |
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Posted 6 years ago
(5053 items)
I bought this statue from an old man who found it in a cave on his land in Fremont many years ago. It weighs a ton. I think it was from the top of a rotunda somewhere. ??
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Wow, that is awesome!
thanks Mrstyndall. i'll post some better pics i took of it today. it is incredibly heavy. takes three of us to lift it and it's still extremely heavy. i think it's from an old California state house because Athena is on our state seal.
Athena is often pictured with an owl, but here she is portrayed with a chicken - or rooster. Not sure why. kind of curious.
Impressive. Keep it forever. Probably French, late 19th century. The Gallic rooster is a symbol of France. After loosing the war with Germany 1870-1871, French nationalism florished.
Impressive detail. Athena was one wise girl.
Hey everyone. First let me tell you this a magnificant piece of art. I stumbled across because I was searching for pictures of exacly that statue. In fact I came across the very same statue here in Vienna, Austria and bought it from a historc artefact dealer - but he couldnt really tell me who it was.
First - it is NOT Athena. As much as you might think it would be - Athena is greek mythology, this lady however has all roman written over her. The roman equivalent would be Minerva. and that's what I thought she is. But I was mistaken as well - for many weeks. Until I finally found out that the Statue is showing the roman godess of war "Bellona".
In fact most of all art and sculptures you can find the two were mixed and mashed together. Minevra and Bellona were often confused by artists.
Here are some links for you to take a look at. The statue seems to origin somewhere around 1770 and there were two artists making very similar versions:
"Minvera" by Ignaz Günther (german) around 1772
(note the cannon next to her feet - godess of war)
"Bellona" by Johann Babtist Straub (german) around 1770
So as you can see it's not easy to tell ...
As reference, here are some pics of the statue I bought last month.
Please could you let me know where exacly you bought your statue? What cave? Which location? who owned it before? I totally fell for this statue and want to dig deeper and learn more about where it came from :)
what a crazy turn of events this thing has ...found in a cave, why was it hiding ... lol just crazy... how about some up date shorts and a story as to whats been going om .....would be cool...
i am not so fond of it actually
apostata your hemorrhoids acting up today ?
i love this very much!!
no only Jackson tremor ( epilepsy and phenobarbital residu)
tinnitus, sinisitus, septum perforation, diplopy ( nervus succumbus i believe) entropion and ptosis, i believe but i probably forget something, probably o, ja stendhal syndrom and agorafobia, and according to my daughter , i am an borderliner , she could know , because she is genius ( she really is !), and i am addicted to popsickles
also according to my daughter fundamental attribution fallacy , (see Jakobson - Jakobson)
lol... it would of been easier to just say you had a flare up..funny guy.
oops forgot this...The fundamental attribution error (also known as correspondence bias or over-attribution effect) is the tendency for people to over-emphasize dispositional, or personality-based explanations for behaviors observed in others while under-emphasizing situational explanations.
In other words, people have a cognitive bias to assume that a person's actions depend on what "kind" of person that person is rather than on the social and environmental forces that influence the bog said all this after he ate a book and left it in a pile in the park....smiling
i could discus this piece for ages and run it for ages , but its not an early cast,
i try to be moderate , but am i obliged to press the love bottom all the time
i used to be a seller lets say about average stock 4100 pieces , if i have to evaluate my own stuff , 90 % is absolute junk , for the mayor auction houses every porcelain beneath the value of 2500 dollars is just moderate, it got nothing to do with with flares or ego
The fundamental attribution error (also known as correspondence bias or over-attribution effect) is the tendency for people to over-emphasize dispositional, or personality-based explanations for behaviors observed in others while under-emphasizing situational explanations.
In other words, people have a cognitive bias to assume that a person's actions depend on what "kind" of person that person is rather than on the social and environmental forces that influence the person.
BTW, ho2cultcha, beautiful statue. :-)
addendum sorry learned helplessness i forget , but my other daughter is less gifted, and the thesis is refuted by the neurologists of the VUMC, and the epilepsy centrum , so we can rule that out, also Meniere ,Labyrinthitis, overaction by attention deficit,carotid artery deficiency, and Volendam disease
actually i don,t know anything about is , BECAUSE I AM NOT SO FOND OF IT
i am talking Jakobson not Seligman by the way !
yes, yes Jakobson was influenced by Karl I’ll give you that but organon model style,which begot not only The Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language..but was top dog and he was one of the founders of the Würzburg School of psychology. In linguistics he is known for his organon model of communication and his treatment of deixis which was of the function or use of deictic words, forms, or expressions as a linguistic phenomenon.
This should keep “Anything” looking for a snip for a while…back to work for me,.. it’s been fun. And yes” Anything” like I said very cool and would love to know why it was keep in a cave…Ta Tar…lol
jesus i am not talking Buhler or Gestalt here keep track please, stick to the basics
in science we call this an extrapolation fallacy end of discussion
lol funny guy .. well if your talking Jakobson who was Influence, "Heavily' by Karl.what the hell are you left with ..? not original thought by Jakobson.for he had none,.. like most ...chow jesus..
its jakobson -jakobson not roman Jakobson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y a Ya,.. your special as WC Fields would say....If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS and you done that well ,..just thought your original comment was mean .rather then just walking by this page...or maybe its just me "who" was told if you have nothing good to say don't say anything rather then inflict pain ... .chow jesus ,...keep getting ready for
i just said i am not so fond of this , well that,s not so painfull . is it it, 93 % of my remarks are positif ! ,answer to question 2 , i probably won,t make it to spring, so problem solved question 3 , don,t blame me if someone mixed up the Jakobsons
addendum i got a whole team trying to solve questions from paticipants, , and i go to hell and and back to help them
i am not Jesus, actually i might be a belligerent brainiac , but i play it clean,
omg! i am very tempted by the delete button although i swore i would never use it here! this was posted right after i purchased it. i was able to clarify w/ the old man i bought it from a couple months later and he found it in a field on his property in the Hayward Hills, CA. i sold it a while back to a man from sacramento.
i just said i am not so fond of it what the hell is wrong with it , its like a remark like i prefer stake to pork , i am not the Boston Celtics cheering session
ho2cultcha thanks for the up date ..but feel free anytime to delete anything I post...I'm in the same boat as The "belligerent brainiac" as far as seeing Row row row your boat ...later take care apostata ...
ho2cultcha, I probably don't need to tell you to feel free to delete any comments of mine on a post of yours. };-)
My previous comment on this post provided an attribution link for a direct quote in a comment by Shuzbut, but none of it was pertinent to the subject at hand (the statue).
ho2cultcha, I find this to be a fascinating mystery.
Why ever would this statue have been in the middle of a field in the Hayward Hills, CA?
In any case, hats off to midorner, who identified it as a replica of German Rococo sculptor Johann Baptist Straub's 1770 creation, Bellona:
Straub's statue (below) has a gorgon head on her shield to instil[l] terror in her enemies
look closely its a late cast !
apostata, I'd be glad to look more closely if I knew what I was looking for. Educate me, what is a late cast?
Perhaps the statue was temporarily relocated after an earthquake, and subsequently forgotten, e.g.:
how closer to the original the more value it is (signed is also an factor and patina or coated , sinc compound etc), so after a while mostly depending on the succes of the origianal you got different releases, so you have to examen the mold if it is wore out or not, the plies are getting curve etc
so this is a late release ( cast - mould) in good condition , so the value is the decoration value x the amount and time of the release x compound of the bronze
otherwise it was , i don,t know what it is nowadays decoration x 4,80 dollar a k depending on the compound bronze
take a look ct chiparis statues you get an idea , wrong comparison by the way , because the are foundry marked
there is also some slight disadvantage its not a minerva its a bellona they are less popular
apostata, Very interesting. So you think that this statue might have come from the same mold as the original?
FYI, I just noticed that the spear is missing from the Hayward Hills statue, but it it had been cast separately, it could have been removed.
ho2cultcha, Do you remember if your statue had a cannon at the base?
no this mould is for 100% not related to the original mould and the second mould is also different , so i don,t know what it is , there are lots of copys
ho2cultcha, Scratch that question; I can clearly see in your third picture that there is no cannon next to the figurine's left leg.
Moreover, in the original the ornamentation at the top of the figurine's right sandal isn't duplicated on the left one, but instead is hidden by the draped skirt.
So, it's pretty close in many respects, but it's probably not from the same mold as the original.
apostata, I see that you concur it's not from the same mold as the original. :-)
there was no cannon on this piece. i was paid a lot more than 480 for it (x6). It probably had more than 480 in scrap bronze in it. it was extremely heavy!