Posted 6 years ago
(88 items)
I found this cap in my dad’s tool shed among a bucket of other metal parts, tools and scrap from which he could rummage thru to find something to repair just about anything.
This looks like an old gas cap from a car.
After I cleaned some grime off, I found a logo and a patent number on the inside. There is a rust spot that might be obscuring the last digit of the patent number but I’m not sure.
With chrome on the gas cap, I’m assuming it came from a car with lots of chrome on it.
And it is from when gas caps were on the outer part of the car, not recessed as they are today.
I know so little about cars but I want to document the facts about it and pass it on to my grandson someday.
My dad always bought Fords except for one Chevrolet he bought in the late 50s or early 60s. I recall the large horizontal fins on the back and the color was called Colonial Cream....I have no idea why that paint color name has stuck with me all these years.
The chrome and paint color on this cap made me think of that car he bought.
I’ve wondered if he found this cap and kept it because it made him also think of that car....or was it just something he thought might come in handy fixing something someday?
I welcome comments and info!
Thanks for looking!
The red color on the chrome is a reflection off my shirt! Sorry I didn’t notice that before I posted.
Don't know for sure but my first thought was Chevy!
Thank you, Keramikos, for that patent link. I had entered the number in my Google search but failed to come up with this info.
I did a bit of digging into the Chevy my dad bought. I was a 1959 Chevy Biscayne.
I’ve been looking for a picture of the Biscayne’s gasoline port but haven’t found that featured in any picture yet. Go figure!
My most vivid memory of the Biscayne is my dad’s response to my sister setting her aluminum drink tumbler on one of the fins when we stopped for a roadside picnic while on vacation.
He was not happy.....looked like a table to a kid though.
I believe they were behind the license plate that was on springs. Lift up or down, can't remember. But wait, that doesn't even make sense because of the chrome on the cap. Beats me.
WOW, you come up with the most complete info!!
I’m going to go thru all of that shortly.
I recall the gas caps being under the hinged license plates. But I think if the gas port was hidden like that, the manufacturer would use a plain utilitarian gas cap and not go to the bother of painting it and adding chrome.
I’m thinking the cap was exposed/visible on the back or side.
With all your links and with another CW member offering to show it to a car buff over the Labor Day holiday, I feel an answer is coming soon.
Exactly, I realized that as I was typing the comment! I'm going to have to see if I can locate anything too, just can't do it right now! I'll pop back in before I look online!
And thanks for the compliment!
Great, Shareurpassion!
Keramikos, I looked at all the links/pictures of Biscaynes and came to the conclusion that the placement of chrome just doesn’t like up with this cap - and I’m making the assumption that the chrome handle of the cap would be in alignment with a strip of chrome down the side or across the back, plus would be on a flat surface. The Biscayne has almost all surfaces curved.
The link on the replacement gas tanks helped me understand something my son and grandson are planning to do.
They have my dad’s old 1970 Ford pickup truck which is in a thousand pieces in the garage as a father/son rebuild project.
The crazy thing about that model is that the gas tank is inside the cab of the truck directly behind the bench seat. If you pull the back of the seat forward to stash something or to clean, there’s the gas tank!! And the fill port is on the side and protrudes just a little from the body. So absolutely dangerous it’s hard to believe it was designed that way.
When I rode in that truck when it was new, I could hear the gasoline sloshing around right behind my back. I didn’t like that but rationalized that it was fine because Ford built it that way.
One of the main restoration/rebuild jobs is to put the tank under the truck and out of the cab and to have the gas port flush or recessed (not sure which they plan to do).
That looks like a nightmare project to me but they are all into it. I even said it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they just sold it “as is” to be done with it. They were aghast that I had such an idea!
Maybe some year soon I can post it back in one piece.
At least I understand that gas tanks can be replaced/moved and made safer.
Thanks again for all that info!
I’ll check out that restoration in a second.
Yes, it’s possible the cap came from some other car- maybe I was too optimistic/sentimental about the Biscayne.
Whatever I’d goes to though, I still want to put it in a shadow box with a picture of the my digging continues. ;^)
I meant to write: whatever it turns out to be though.........blah, blah, blah.....
I'm late to this party, but I believe the SM logo is that of STANT (Manufacturing?) who are long time makers of gas caps, radiator caps, and such for many kinds of cars and other vehicles.
If you haven't already, maybe you could find or get further help there??
Wow, AO! You may be late to the party but at least you arrived! That’s a great lead…I will definitely follow up on it. Thank you so much!
I remember my old dodge pickup had a cap just like that.... wonder if that's the one I lost ...'-))
here take 10 mins every day and see if you can match it up ...
looks like a old jeep wagoneer cap...good luck
Rocky22222, I’ve followed instructions…put in 10min + but no luck yet. Thanks!
space ship ...Klingon class....must of spaced it when they fuel up and left ....'=))
Haven't quite got year, but closer..
Do you still have this gascap? This notification for this popped up in my email ! I remember back in the 70's my friend had a Rambler her parents gave her, the real boxy one, or were they all boxy back then? We'd sneak out after hours, push that heavy sucker down the alley and hit the last of the parties.
Good lookin out dav2no1
JohnJoe I remember those days but I would NEVER do such a thing!!! Lol click click click!
See, dav2no1? This post is three years old, but if that first eBay listing you linked isn't it, then I don't know what would be.
I think I spy that gas cap on the 1958 Rambler Ambassador Custom in this drawing:
Woomp! There it is:
Tag Team - Whoomp! (There It Is)
Whoomp! There it ain't. >8-0
I fouled up that one link. Here it is:
JohnJoe, you might be right…you gave me a smile anyway!
Dave2no1, that has to be it…flat disc shape painted cap with chrome handle….ridges on the chrome handle.
I think you’ve solved this mystery. I’m going to attach a tag to it so some future person going thru my desk does not spend years wondering and researching.
CW folks are exceptional!
Keramikos, thank you so much for all your digging! You and Dav2no1 have nailed it: the 1958 Rambler Ambassador Country Club!
That pink and grey color combo on the restored Rambler pictured in your link had me wishing for my own ENTIRE car, not just the measly gas cap!
Thanks to everyone for the loves!
I apologize for not responding sooner to the responses….I just happened across them tonight (it seems I used to get an email notification from CW when there were responses….maybe I’m imagining that or maybe they don’t do it now.
Shareyourpassion, Thanks for responding! Yes, I do still have it….it’s right here in my hand now to compare it to the Rambler pictures.
I’m convinced the mystery is solved: Rambler it is!
You were so daring to sneak out in your family’s Rambler! That never would have worked for me since we had a gravel driveway which crunched under tires….I’d have been caught for sure!
the mystery is solved:!!!! say it ain't so Sam,.. now was that a push button transmission on that Rambler ... ?
Glad to help..this one was bugging me! I'm still wondering if this is an aftermarket cap? All the ones I've seen are plain, like my second link. And the cap has lines that are vertical vs the horizontal lines in the side chrome molding...
Goodguys car show will be here next month..I'm gonna have to look at a few ramblers now..
I know that car show will be interesting! The older cars had more style than the models on the roads these days.
When I was a child, one of my family’s cars was a ‘39 Ford….very scratchy wool seats. Little girls wore only dresses back then so the backs of my little legs were subject to itching unless my mom laid a towel on the seat for me. :^)