Posted 6 years ago
(2 items)
Hello trunk enthusiasts! I'm very curious about this trunk my husband and I acquired from his grandmother's estate. We just liked the look of it, and nobody else seemed interested. Anyways... I can't find any other trunks with this shape in all my internet searching. I have also been skimming through some old ads and patents, still nothing. It is in pretty good shape, so maybe it isn't very old?
I don't have a key for it, so don't know what the interesting lift top will reveal. I used to work for a lockshop in town though, and know we had a few rings of these Atkinson & Long precut keys(the little family owned shop has been in town for decades, and has all kinds of old keys and blanks!) Hopefully I can pop into the shop and find this specific code cut key there waiting for me, on a forgotten hook. Just from the key blank I think it takes, I'm guessing mid 1900s? I know a lot more about locks than trunks!
In the meantime, any information on this guy would be wonderful! I think there was another matching one that we left, because it wouldn't fit in our car... I wonder where it landed...
The lock is stamped "ATKINSON & LONG MFG. CO.", "EVERLASTING LOCK", and "NEW YORK, N.Y." The other stamped characters are just the key code, T6658.
first thing that jumps out at me would be a Film Reel Canister....?????
Island Trunk shop, has a key T2540 that is the same as the T6658 for 40 dollars.
Hmmmm... Possibly a trunk for carrying film reels. I have still only seen those as square or rectangular, and smaller. This is 26" x 28 1/2". Any other ideas?!
Yes, I have seen the keys online. If my local shop has one it will be half the price, probably more like 1/4 the price.
If you can get it open it will give us a better idea of what it was for, it could be for anything from musical instruments to camera equipment or custom made for someone ya just don't know.