Posted 5 years ago
(3449 items)
Picked up this briefcase full of BSA items at the last Rose Bowl. Most of the dealers were missing due to rain. There wasn't much rin and it didn't bother me but it keeps the dealers away. Note when it rains it is a good time to go to Disneyland. Southern California rain tend to be light and I don't even own an umbrella.
Back to the briefcase full of Scout stuff. Seems to have items dating from around 1980 to 2002. There is also a uniform shirt which was used for a short time around 1980. It will be seen later. Mostly there are a lot of camp patches, a merit badge sash, cap, belt, neckerchief, sliders and many manuals. There are three Cub Scout manuals and three for Boy Scouts.
I'll going through these with more detail so much more to come!
What great Scout accessories, those books are wonderful tools to help the boys become survivalists
Cool stuff Brian the boy scouts sure aint what they use to be
Excellent score!!
Nice find
Hey Brian did you see the Scouting things, or just opened the Briefcase and there they were? That's what happened to me when I got the old 1950's 45 Record Box, I opened it and there were all the Scouting Things, and no old 45's, but a nice score just the same! Like you Brian, a nice score a Briefcase not full of old Briefs! :^D
Thanks for showing the Scouting things and not old Briefs! Merry Christmas! :^)
Thank you very much Newfld. The books do have a lot of useful information.
Thank you very much OLECODY. They do not seem to be.
Thank you very much Toyrebel, it was $30.
Thank you very much elanski.
Thank you very much Ms.CrystalShip. That is a long way to hitch hike.
Thank you very much Bill. I think it was open. I should remember to open everything that will open. I always open old trunks.