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Unknown Pedal Car

In Model Cars > Pedal Cars > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity28 of 892trying to identify this pedal carROTJ Speeder Bike Pedal Car  (1983) by Huffy/Kenner
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (1 item)

    Can anyone tell me anything they might know about this pedal car. I know it is from the 1950s but that's all I know for certain. I can't find anything else out there like it. Any info is much appreciated!!

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    1. jeff j gaede, 15 years ago
      hi jas girl i just bought thev same thing and i will find out more this weekend from my grandpa stay in touch jeff.
    2. JasGirl, 15 years ago
      Thank you Jeff! I look forward to hearing anything you can find out.
    3. chewie, 14 years ago
      JasGirl and jeff. I also have the same pedal car and we want to restore it but I can't find any pictures of the orginal color and who makes it!! I would also appreciate any info
    4. Lee, 14 years ago
      Hi, It looks like a BMC special 8. I am restoring one now should be done in about a week.
    5. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      JasGirl, find this name on this site: "lifeisgood" he redid the same car and it's great. I think he's about #7 in toys/cars..
    6. Al from texas, 14 years ago
      it is a BMC Racer... Special.... they came in red and yellow with a number 8 on the rear side....yours apears to be with all original parts... there are some suppliers of the rubber parts.... let me know if you need additional information... it is a real find and are rare.... I have one.
    7. Al from texas, 14 years ago
      wait... something is diferent from mine.... yours is chain driven....!!!! now i am not 100% sure about the manufacturing.... posibly has been modified.... still i am 99% that it is a BMC as mentioned before.

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