Posted 5 years ago
(3481 items)
The Minitanks are taking longer than I thought to get out. So far I have about a battalion worth and I don 't think I am halfway through yet so I went with what is ready to go.
GI Joe did not make a lot to go with the Action Sailor back in 1964. Basically it was the signal flag and life vest set, frogman and shore patrol. In around the later 90s and early 2000s Hasbro released a few pieces the Action Sailor would have loved to have. Here are two, the dual 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun and a Pearl Harbor AA gun. The Perl Harbor gun looks like a cross between a 20mm oerlikon cannon and a .30 caliber water cooled machine gun.
The officer here is JFK. He has the early 1990s hands designed not to hold anything.
That is it for my Navy Display for now. I need to work on the frogman display next.
Great display, that 40mm is huge! These are some nicely done weapons. I've played around on the quad 40's on the USS Alabama, theyre not small, that's a massive Joe display. I think the Pearl Harbor machine gun was a water jacketed 50 cal, the magazine looks like a 50. This is the type of weapon Doris Miller, the African-American cook on the USS West Virginia, earned his Navy Cross medal at Pearl Harbor. His actions were depicted in Tora Tora Tora. That's some big guns Fort.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Yes that sounds right about it being a water cooled .50. Yes the 40mm is a big weapon. They have a quad mount from Iowa at a nearby tank museum which is near the Iowa but they won't give it back to the Iowa.