Posted 5 years ago
(302 items)
Royal Hawaiian Military Button
Any Royal Hawaiian collectible artifact is scarce or rare. This military uniform button features the crowned monogram of King Kalakaua I who reigned from 1874-1891. He was the father of the modern Hawaiian army and the modern Hawaiian coinage of 1883. The button is gold colored brass, 27.27mm in diameter. After the fall of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893 this button was converted into a souvenir pin by filling in the hollow back with lead and mounting a hinged pin on the lead base. The pin originally had a rotating catch but as so often happens the rotating part went “awol” long ago.
Very interesting. This is a new account for me....I signed up in order to find more information re: a recent find in the dirt at our ranch in Maui, Hawaii.
It is a similarly sized buckle/pin? that is brass, however it is stamped US. Maybe you or another member can help to ID it.
Can you hep me with posting a photo here?
I used a scanner. Saved it to my computer and then posted it here. Give it a try!