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For Eileen(Ms.CrystalShip) Flying over Yosemite! :^D

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Photographs417 of 5217Possible TOM HORN tintype image ??Photo - February 26, 1979 "Total Eclipse" by Maurice King 
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (593 items)

    This is for Eileen's post from her Daughter, and Daughter's Husbands Day Trip Hiking Yosemite.
    In February We flew from Texas back to California, after our Son's Graduation, and I took these from the Jet Flying over Yosemite! An exciting thing for me to do for the first time! Not close to the beautiful photos, that Eileen's Daughter got! :^D

    Here's what I wrote:
    Thanks for showing Eileen, the last time that I saw that view we were Flying back from my Sons Graduation in Texas, in February. I zoomed in and got some great shots, not even close to these though, but first time Flying over Yosemite was exciting for me! :^D
    Then COVID-19, and everything stopped, please Wear a Mask and lets all End this Pandemic! :^)
    ***Photo #3 Mono Lake just east of Yosemite!
    ***Photo #4 is from the John Muir Home in Martinez, Calif. that we also visited in February 2020!

    Thank you for looking, and thanks Eileen for posting Yours! All comments are welcome! :^)

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      This is Eileen's Post:
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thank You for the love that you gave Kevin, and Bill, very nice of you both! :^)

      Always Wear a Mask in Public to help stop the Spread of COVID-19! :^)
    3. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thanks all for the love that you gave, Kevin(kwqd),Patricia, dav2no1, and Brian, it's appreciated! :^D
      Remember to always wear a Mask and social distance, when you are out in public places, so we can stop the spread of COVID-19! :^)
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Hey Eileen, thanks! When we were flying to Texas 3 days earlier, I noticed what looked like Mono Lake, and got a photo of that, but there was too many clouds to see much in the Mountains. When we left Dallas Texas, heading back to California, the clouds were thick and we couldn't see for miles, through most of Texas, but it cleared after that, so I was searching for Landmarks, like Red Cliffs! They never mention any land marks on the Jets anymore, and I guess they fly over Yosemite so people can see it, but don't say anything! I was videoing the area when I saw Half Dome, so zoomed in to get the photos!
      We would go to Yosemite most every year when I was a kid, and it was always a sight, that we had to bring Relatives visiting from Minnesota, every few years. We camped there a few times with our Boys, but when Game Boy came out, Reality couldn't compete, and just became booooring, sad, but true! :^( Maybe I should've given them some of those brownies, and Reality would've been just fine! :^D
      Thank you for the love Eileen, and aura too, very nice of both of you! :^D

      Thanks for helping to slow the spread of COVID-19, by always wearing a Mask in public! :^)
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      I added a photo of Mono Lake, Calif. just east of Yosemite, a land mark that I noticed on our way to Texas! :^)

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