Posted 4 years ago
(845 items)
Japanese "Go" Board Game
I used to play with my mother when I was a child. One of the games we played was a little different from the traditional version. It was more of a connect 5 type game. Made sense to me since go is five in Japanese.
The game pieces are called stones. As you can see, there are white and black stones. They are stored in nice wood turned containers. And a grid game board. This board folds in half for easy storage or travel.
Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players. The object is to surround more territory than the opponent. The game was invented in China more than 2,500 years ago and is believed to be the oldest board game continuously played to the present day.
remind me of the STARZ series 'Counterpart' where the game of GO was used in the series theme and Howard often played the game.
Never seen the show..but it looks cool, I'll check it out...thanks
this a baby grit ought to be 19-19 grit
this is an under 20 kyu grit i think
I played Go all through college, it is an amazingly complex game to master but easy to learn. The board is correct but the stones are played on the intersecting lines and not inside the grid spaces. The board is not meant to be perfectly square, but slightly rectangular with the long end positioned between the players. This is purposely done so that the stones do not sit perfectly on the board and somewhat crowd together. The nine dots (star points) are for handicapping. The beginners version of Go that is similar to connect five you mention is called Gomoku.
you are partly right,and i know how to play , i got a rating of 2230, but ty anyway
Partly right? Anyhow nice ranking. I played a couple of people with Dan rankings and got wiped out. But I learned a lot. Haven't played in decades.
its an egf rating quite well for european standerds, , but complete insufficient to beat the Japanese played backgammon and and go bang and poker for money
stopped playing because of the bots and the very sophisticated go bang programs, still playing high stakes poker omaha -split
Thanks for the comments and looking. I haven't played in over 40+ years, so I dont remember much.
And apostata..did you see the card game I posted? Uta-garuta