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Art of the Poster, E. McKnight Kauffer, 1925

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Art and Design Books7 of 132Book saved from basementThe Danish Art Library
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (2 items)

    Got curious about the gorgeous and well-used books I got from my mother a few years ago, and looked some up. Evidently people are selling pages out of this one on eBay! [1924 edition, turns out] I am as sure as I can be for someone who can’t be proven wrong, but I believe it likely belonged to her father, who was a graphic artist like myself; she was a painter, like my sister.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Old books are often cut up for the plates in them. People frame and display them. I have rescued a few pre-surgery. I have few with prints pulled by the artist in them.
    2. Moy Moy, 4 years ago
      I guess I’m just surprised I own something like that and didn’t realize. I worked at a vintage frame shop for years- we did it! ????
    3. Moy Moy, 4 years ago
      Hm.. that was meant to be :). Still learning. Awesome community here.
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 4 years ago
      i have a 1926 'Art of the Poster' somewhere. its a cool magazine with excellent design history info.
    5. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      @Moy - Welcome to CW! I have learned and continue to learn a lot on this forum.
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 4 years ago
      Love that camouflaged warship in the docks armed to the teeth.
    7. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      abe's has 6 of them ...

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