Posted 4 years ago
(3475 items)
Pretty sure this is Taz although he is clearly not from Tasmania. He looks like a Taz though. His roots would be from Africa possibly a Pygmy although he could just be short and from Colorado, or even France. C'est possible.
He has one weapon accessory which is his blow gun but his main weapon is fear. Just like the witch doctor Korbay, from Jonny Quest, who also used a blow gun. In photo #3 his container filled with poison darts along with his thing which you can not unsee.
If there is one person who can stop Auz and Taz it would be the Phantom from the Captain Action series. He is the ghost who walks.
So, I'm interested in the Taz/Auz dynamic.
Are they friends? Friendly rivals? Is one more Alpha than the other? Do they practise their expressions and stances with each other? Cook meals together?
So many questions.
Phantom may know.
Another great post. I like that you made the Allusions to Jonny Quest("unfortunately I'll have Korbay's incoherent "voodoo something, something that rhymes voodoo something chant as sat in front of the fire in my mind all day now). My old man and I liked 3 comic strips the best: Blondie, Snuffy Smith and most of all The Phantom.
Stewardess: "Sir, you can't bring a dog aboard the airplane!"
Phantom: "He's not a dog, he's a wolf. "
That's just so cool.
LOL......I go to a witch doctor ... I let them know they ain't change that much ....smiling nice find and the smalls that were with it makes it even cooler...later
Thank you very much racer4four. I imagine they are friends and partners of sorts as they work together as a team.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. That is a great line.
And thank you very much theonlyone.