Posted 4 years ago
(843 items)
Creepy Ceramic Double Spouted Vase
10 1/2" tall x 13" wide x 4 3/8" deep
As promised, my creepy ceramic vase! I've been trying to buy this for months and finally talked the seller into a deal. Never seen anything like it and fell in love with it the moment I saw it.
Only marks on the piece are what appears to be a reversed KK on the back. It has a grayish wash of highlights. The last picture I used the flash to try and capture this effect.
The piece has a 3D figure crouching in a space in the middle of the vase. The space the figure is in, has a wood grain look to the window frame and the space surrounding the figure.. The vase looks like a brick house with double chimneys. There is dripped glazing coming off the top of the chimneys. The texture looks like a stacked stone construction.
The chimneys spouts are connected inside by a narrow space, and the interior looks like the outside vs a smooth finish. Interestingly I thought there was loose material inside, but found 7 small Lego pieces and small strips of paper. I believe the previous owner's son was having some fun when no one was looking.
I believe this is a one of a kind piece. If anyone has seen anything similar or has some ideas of whom the artist is, please feel free to comment.
Creepy as promised!
Yeah, creepy is pretty accurate. I like it though. Never seen anything like it before.
I told you ha ha..I believe it's one of a kind.
Looks like he is under a desk or table. Back in the 1950's we were made to assume this pose under our school desks once a month. It was practice for the all out war with the USSR. I failed to see what they thought a table or desk would offer for protection.
MsC - wow, not creepy enough for you? Ha ha.
Fhjr- I grew up in the 70s but we did the same thing, hide under our desks. Pretty funny nowadays.
Thanks to all for looking and loving my creepy piece
Reminds me of some of the studio (not mass produced) wares of Jim Rumph. Went down that rabbit hole earlier, but couldn’t find anything quite like it. Really unique!
I believe the mark on the back looks like Karen Karnes? I'm going to research some today..
I reached out to Black Mountain College Museum to explore the Karen Karnes connection. I was told that as far as they know, she didn't do any figures. So back to square one..
it reminds me somewhat of this one i've had for quite a few years now. i really like it.
Pete, that's a cool piece you have! Did you see my fence sign? I thought it was you that had a similar piece? Trying to find the post for more info..
keramikos, I didn't see you comment on this piece? Figured you might have some ideas for me...
Thanks for all creepy loves...still a mystery..
Fabulous piece.
Thank you! I can't imagine someone could successfully fire more than 1 of these. I believe it's 1 of a kind. Wish I could figure out who made it..
Nothing...he thought maybe Karnes. But we ruled that out. It had to take someone with skill to pull this off. Hopefully some day we will find out..thanks for checking back!
When I first saw this vase many months ago, my first impression was of a prisoner confined in the barracks of a concentration camp like Dachau, Auschwitz, etc. The figure seems to be compressed, as if the surrounding enclosure is collapsing to crush him. The two chimneys with glaze oozing down their sides, well, let me just say creepy is an understatement. We have all seen the photos of "the" oven chimneys.
Is the signature merely another form of a six pointed star? I don't know, just my thoughts on this piece. Very unique, and unsettling.
Willsol - Yes! I had that thought too..concentration camp..Anne Frank hiding in the attic...
your response and emotions is exactly how I felt and why I bought it. This response tells me that the artist did a great job..wish I could figure out who created it..may tell a lot about the piece!
i don,t know what it is , but i think it is fantastic
Thanks waki! I had to beg the guy to sell it to me...had to have it.
I find this piece sad rather than creepy... The first thing I brought to mind for me was the holocaust . The man looks thin and naked and i'm not sure if it's sadness or just a defeated expression on his face. I took the object that he is in to be a stone fireplace with two stacks . The fireplace looks like it's been burnt and misshapened and the stacks worn down. I thought that maybe it was supposed to portray the remains of one of the ovens with a prisoner hiding or maybe just their sole remaining there. I could be way off but that's what I see. It is a wonderful piece and involves a lot of emotion .
It "evokes" A lot of emotion… You're right , you can't edit your comments know it's a fantastic piece when it can bring out emotions when viewing it. I'm so glad I was able to buy it. It's one of my favorite pieces.