Posted 4 years ago
(3478 items)
Not a cigar box this time but an actual display box. The pistols I posted a ways back, they are from about 1850. The bullets/rounds are some of the first vintage items I bought back when I was a teen from an antique shop in Ventura.
In photo #2 there is from L to R a dummy .25 round. a rimfire round of about .18 caliber (that is tiny), a .25ish cal auto round and an unusual pair of .22 rounds. One is a shot shell and the other a wadcutter perhaps. I will need to do a separate post on all this ammunition. A .44 shot shell is on the right, probably for snakes.
The next photo has more ammunition plus a colorful quartz crystal and a small spike.
Wrapping it up are some arrowheads. Not sure if they are old or new but they seem to fit right in.
Not sure if there will be a scout post this week. We shall find out soon.
Sorry but... The pistols appear to be modern reproductions made in Spain... Also the arrowheads were made by a modern flintknapper.
flashlarue, they were made in Spain but are not repros. The arrowheads yes are modern.
One pistol taken apart and showing its age.
Nice display
Authentic old Spanish guns would be written in Spanish not English "SPAIN"
It was for import to the US.
It would still be Espana not Spain even on items made for export except modern copies.
Country of Orgin labeling was done in the 1800s and it was done in English. These pistols are pretty basic and not really worth copying but they work.
Still a cool display of what was the arrowheads are repros made in India they have flooded the market with them some folks use them for target practice and hunting
Accepting that these are the real deal how do you load them? There are no ramrods. And after they are fired how do you you clean them? Where is the breech plug and how do you access it? I have never seen a centered hammer where the breech plug goes.
Flash it isn't all that unusual design and it may have been imported long after it was made. Time to wrap this up.
Thank you very much elanski.
And thank you very much OLECODY. They are functional at least.
Thank you very much Ms.CrystalShip!
I found one that appears almost exactly like these but only the metal barrel is round.same shape , no parts wood handle.just the skeleton. Heavily rusted insidr
and out. No identification evident.
Found one that looks like that but round barrel, no other parts were present just the heavily rusted handle and barrel. No I’d.visible.
Thank you all..most of my posts were 5 or 6 yeats ago. And I forgot my user name and password.looks like I am back…..!