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A rare Poschinger Vase

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Art Nouveau168 of 3326 Glasfabrik Schliersee Form No. 3Rare Loetz Unknown Phanomen Genre art glass vase early 1900’s
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (87 items)

    The Poschinger glassworks at Buchenau in the Bohemian Woods in Germany is the oldest documented hut there and it was founded in 1629. Under the influence of the designer Carl Schmoll von Eisemwerth, Poschinger entered the high end production of Art Nouveau vases and won a silver medal at the World Expo at Paris in 1900. Within this period and obviously designed by C.S.v.Eisemwerth, my vase was made. Poschinger considered these vases, like Tiffany, as exclusive art objects and produced them mostly only once. Poschinger did not rely on effectful irisation, but set a very high value on exquisite shape, harmonic colouring and artistically combed extremely fine threadings, not reached by any competitor. Poschinger produced some of the finest Art Nouveau vases ever made in Germany, but due to their very limited number, Poschinger is by far not so well known (and valued) as eg compared to Loetz. My vase stands 12.5 cm high and has a diameter of 13.5 cm. It is made of clear glass with an iridized spreading opale yellow inner case and an iridized orange outer case carrying the finely combed complex décor of dark blue threadings.

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    1. Wow22, 4 years ago
      Thank you. I know little about Poschinger and enjoyed this post.
    2. inky inky, 4 years ago
    3. Bambus1920 Bambus1920, 4 years ago
      Is the inner layer UV reactive? At first sight I thought this might be Schliersee?
    4. kairomalte, 4 years ago
      Hi Bambus1920,
      thank you for your comment, now to the questions you raised: at a first sight my vase may seem similar to the Schliersee yellow/red glass colour combination, I own two of those vases myself, they show a much more bright irisation as compared to my Poschinger vase and a décoration by finely pulled threading is unknown for Schliersee pieces, their pulled threading, usually on yellow opale ground, causes a typically very diffused and unclear ornament. Concerning the UV ractivity of the inner case, I'm sorry I cannot give an answer, as I don't own UV lamps for testing.
    5. Bambus1920 Bambus1920, 4 years ago
      Thanks, Kai, for the additional information. You can buy a UV ('black light') torch/flashlight on Amazon for about $10; I find it very useful. The etching ink decor on the 'Aspasia' series by Schliersee displays really well under UV light.
    6. famatta127 famatta127, 4 years ago
      Gorgeous Kai

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