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Loetz PN II-1995 shade in spreading blue

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Bohemian Art Glass489 of 6915Victorian Welz spatter/spangle glass squat vase plus some Christmas fashion lootLoetz: Ausführung 157, 1914
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (95 items)

    The latest addition to my Loetz lighting collection: an either PG 846 or PG 876 shade in beautiful spreading blue base glass. The pulled threads are yellow silver, pulled up and down four times over a zipper pattern. The shape is similar to PN II-1995. It is 6" in diameter and has a 3.25" fitter rim.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 3 years ago
      Congratulations !!!!
    2. LauraH LauraH, 3 years ago
      A stunning piece! Congrats!

      And your beautiful dog… the fluffiest, cutest ever!!
    3. Sammyz Sammyz, 3 years ago
      Thanks vetraio50! Thanks Laura! Yes, my new Samoyed puppy is quite the little cutie. Happy Holidays all!

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